Laboratory activities have a major impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. We need to take action first and foremost on:
UNIL plans to address both types of impact by aiming for changes in laboratory practices, without compromising the comfort of its users.
In order to conduct a coordinated UNIL-wide review to reduce the impact of laboratories, a Green Labs Task Force was set up in mid-2024 under the aegis of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine. Its tasks include:
Since May 2024, the laboratories of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) have had access to the LEAF programme: A tool to guide researchers and collaborators working in wetlabs in setting up research practices that make more optimal use of equipment and consumables.
Since May 2024, any researcher with an FBM affiliation can register for the LEAF programme with members of their laboratory. A questionnaire has been made available to participants, who can fill it in individually or in groups to assess the sustainability of the laboratory's practices. On the basis of this questionnaire, a certification will be delivered to the participating laboratory and a list of (proposed) measures to be implemented will be provided by the programme.