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Arts, sciences and UNIL

Fundamental to research at UNIL, cultures can be found in a wide range of disciplines. Scientific culture, economic culture, artistic culture, culture in the sociological sense, sporting culture or the culture of sustainability, the University of Lausanne has made research its true intrinsic culture.

Culture, or cultures, is thus at the heart of research carried out in all the faculties of UNIL, often studied from an interdisciplinary angle, thus highlighting the many and varied skills of Lausanne's scientists.

Interdisciplinarity, a Lausanne culture

Thanks in particular to its Faculty of Arts and its Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UNIL is home to a wide range of research in very broad areas of culture. Halfway between history, sociology and anthropology, for example, contemporary cultures benefit from an impressive number of specialists who attempt to grasp their various underlying realities and issues. It's a research effort that involves all of UNIL's faculties.

With the recent transformations of our contemporary societies towards ever more connected lifestyles, one field has been of particular interest to many researchers; One field that has particularly interested many researchers over the past decade is that of digital cultures, which is also a major theme in all the faculties at UNIL. For example, they are as much a part of information systems in the HEC Faculty as they are in history or religious studies, through the Faculty of Arts, with the proliferation of video-playing objects in everyone's homes.

Talking about culture also means addressing the question of civilisations, their history and their impact on the world of yesterday and tomorrow. These are areas of research that are particularly well studied in history, the ancient sciences and anthropology, for example.


Cultures represent five main research themes:

  • Contemporary cultures, studied by all UNIL faculties
  • Digital cultures, at the heart of all UNIL disciplines
  • Civilisations, with in particular the History Section, the Institute of Archaeology and Ancient Sciences of the Faculty of Arts, as well as the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Languages, with the various language sections of the Faculty of Arts
  • Arts, covering a wide range of disciplines from all the faculties of the University of Lausanne