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Teaching and Learning Support Centre (CSE)

The Teaching and Learning Support Centre (CSE) is the department dedicated to teaching and learning matters. It supports teachers, Deans, and the Rectorate in enhancing and developing teaching practices at UNIL.


The CSE plays a strategic role within the institution by supporting teachers in their pedagogical projects and initiatives. Its primary mission is to foster their professional development, guide them in the design of innovative courses and curricula, and provide them with infrastructure adapted to digital learning.

Through its activities, the CSE supports institutional projects aimed at advancing teaching and learning to better meet the evolving needs of students, academic disciplines, and society.

Network and Partners

The CSE actively contributes to national and international teaching and learning networks and associations (, ADMEE-EuropeSFDNAtypie-FriendlyMUA, etc.). It collaborates regularly with other universities and higher education institutions (RCFE, Alliance CIVIS, UniDistance, Université libre de Bruxelles, Université Laval de Québec, etc.) for pedagogical projects or initiatives, or as an expert on request.

These collaborations help to promote the institution’s expertise and pedagogical innovations while fostering the exchange of good teaching practices.

The CSE is committed to addressing current challenges in teaching and learning by providing concrete, research-based solutions in university pedagogy. These solutions are specifically designed to meet the needs of the university community. Its main missions include:

Personalised pedagogical support:

  • Supporting teachers, Deans, and University authorities in:
    • Course design;
    • Curriculum design;
    • Analysing teaching and evaluation practices and developing teaching skills.
    • The CSE also manages the Students' Evaluation of Teaching (SET), which all teachers are required to complete every three years.

Design and management of teaching projects:

  • Assisting teachers, Deans, and University authorities in:
    • Producing multimedia resources for teaching and learning;
    • Designing and developing teaching projects.
    • The CSE administers the Pedagogical Impulse Fund (FIP), which is available to teachers, Faculties, and Schools wishing to develop new teaching and learning activities.

Implementation of institutional teaching systems:

  • Developing and managing teaching and learning systems at the institutional level.

Support for digital infrastructure:

  • Developing and maintaining specific digital infrastructure to support digital learning.
  • The CSE manages Moodle UNIL, the university’s teaching and learning platform.

Promotion of teaching projects:

  • Promoting teaching systems and projects within the university, nationally and internationally.

Strategic advice and monitoring

  • Monitoring and providing strategic advice on digital learning;
  • Monitoring and providing strategic advice on developments in higher education.

The CSE works closely with UNIL’s teaching staff through a collaborative and personalised approach. Our goal is to ensure high-quality teaching while fostering the continuous improvement of pedagogical practices.

For teachers:

We offer targeted and practical support—including individual consultations, training, evaluation support, assistance in creating videos and course materials—to help teachers design their courses, evaluate students’ skills, and adopt pedagogical methods that enhance student success.

For Deans and the Rectorate:

The CSE supports Deans and the Rectorate in developing and implementing institutional strategies. This collaboration aims to define large-scale pedagogical projects, encourage innovation, and strengthen cooperation between the Rectorate and Faculties.

For students:

Although our primary focus is on teaching staff and institutional structures, our work also aims to enhance students’ learning experience. By supporting the continuous improvement of teaching practices, we contribute to developing teaching methods better suited to diverse student profiles and their specific needs.

For the university community:

The CSE is committed to promoting and sharing internal pedagogical initiatives at both national and international levels, reinforcing UNIL’s position as a key player in higher education innovation. Our projects and partnerships with other institutions help disseminate best practices and stimulate international collaboration while enriching the university’s teaching environment.


This approach reflects the CSE’s commitment to providing tailored and practical support, adapted to the unique needs of each pedagogical stakeholder within the university community.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries or specific requests.


Below is a list of our services, organised according to our target audiences.

Services for teachers and teaching assistants

The CSE offers you support in your teaching practice, whether it is to develop your system, get feedback on your teaching, strengthen and enhance your teaching skills, or help you design teaching videos, course materials, etc.

Other services are available on request. Contact us for any specific needs you may have regarding your teaching.

Services for students

Support for Faculties

The CSE is available to support the Faculties in implementing measures on request.

University support and representation

  • Support, development and management of institutional schemes and projects
  • Management of the Teaching Support Fund (FIP)
  • Organisation of teaching and learning events
  • Strategic advice on teaching and learning, and digital learning
  • Representation on Swiss and international bodies
  • Development and maintenance of digital infrastructure for teaching and learning

Community information

Practical information



Pedagogical support
Evaluation support
Exam support

Social media

Opening hours

By appointment.

Audiovisual equipment collection and return Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm, or by appointment.

Main address

Office 2126

Access, parking and delivery


Members of the department


Dr Emmanuel Sylvestre
  • Head of Department

Céline Surmont
Marine Antille
  • Deputy Head of Department

Management Support

Administration Unit

Administration Unit
Micaela Heleno Duarte
  • Executive Secretary and FIP

Communication Unit

Ariane ELSIG
Ariane Elsig
  • Communications and Publications Manager 

Digital Learning Unit

Jean-François VAN DE POËL
Jean-François Van De Poël
  • Digital Learning Assistant 

Curriculum Development Unit

Sylvie KOHLI
Sylvie Kohli
  • Transnational Projects Manager

Advice-Training-Evaluation Unit

Sophie SERRY
Sophie Serry
  • Unit Manager - Pedagogical Adviser / VAE

Katharina BARAN
Katharina Baran
  • Evaluation Coordinator - Pedagogical Adviser

Dre Cécile Mathou
Dre Cécile Mathou
  • Pedagogical Adviser

Elodie Nyffenegger
  • Evaluation Assistant

Beyza Salyador
  • Evaluation Assistant

Evaluation support:

Evaluation support:

    • Erin Anzallo
    • Sofia Filella
    • Monica Paiva Medeiros 

Pedagogical Projects Unit

Maxime Bouvier
  • Unit Manager - Pedagogical Projects Manager

Julien BADER
Julian Bader
  • Graphic Designer

Loris D'Albenzio Allo

Loris D'Albenzio Allo

  • Pedagogical Designer

Romain Götz
Romain Götz
  • Scientific Staff Member

Élodie Jantet
  • Producer

Stella Jermann

Stella Jermann

  • Interactive Media Designer

Émilie Lettry
  • E-assessment Coordinator - Pedagogical Designer

Carlos Tapia

Carlos Tapia

  • Producer

P8 project support :

P8 project support :

    • Morgane Tuberosa

Digital Infrastructure Unit

Nicolas DUNAND
Nicolas Dunand
  • Unit Manager - Applications Manager

Luc Gigon
  • System Administrator

Help desk

Help desk

    • Dania Früh
    • Estelle Messerli

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