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Students and staff of the Pedagogical School of the Canton of Vaud

HEP students

An agreement between the UNIL and the HEP Lausanne allows students from the HEP to attend courses at the Language Centre free of charge (=the courses are paid for by the HEP).

The registration procedure for the Language Centre modules is described here.

From the link below, you can register online (identification according to your HEP email). When you log in for the first time, you will need to fill in a form with your contact details (unless you have already taken a course at the Centre de langues site UNIL).

To register, and if you accept the conditions of the Language Centre, click here:

Online pre-registration / Access to your file

HEP staff members

Conditions for access

English and German courses at the Language Centre are open to staff members of the Haute Pedagogical School of the Canton of Vaud  (HEPL).

As regards the conditions of access, please refer immediately to the letter you received from the HEP and contact the Human Resources unit for any information on this subject.

Some useful information

  • Please take the time to browse our website to find out which of our English and German courses best suits your needs. If you wish, it is possible to meet a teacher - there is a period set aside for this during the last week of registration; however, it is useful to register beforehand (so that your level is known).
  • The courses take place during the 13 weeks of the semester, including any school holidays.
  • Please also note the online registration procedure described here.
  • Certificate: at the end of the period (semester or intersemester), if the conditions indicated at the beginning of the course have been met (in particular 80% attendance), the Language Centre will issue a certificate:
    • either a certificate of attendance
    • or a certificate with grades

Register online

  • Click on the link below.
  • Identify yourself with your HEP login and password.
  • Choose the course you are interested in from the list.
Online pre-registration / Access to your file

Important : Afterwards, it's this page and this link that you'll need to return to to access à your folder, see the course description, choose your p´riute;espace multimédia period, etc.

You can enrol in English and German, which gives you a greater chance of being placed for at least one of the two languages (depending on the timetables set). If you êute;e placed in both languages, you can:

withdraw from one of the two, on condition that you inform the Language Centre immediately.

keep both courses, bearing in mind that, under HEP conditions

  • Only one course will be paid for by your employer. The second invoice will therefore be paid by you personally.
  • Only one course may êbe included in your working hours.


You will receive an invoice à your name, à your professional address. The procedure for managing this invoice is defined by the letter you received from the HEP.

In the event of a withdrawal announced to the Language Centre (email, phone…) during the first two weeks of the course, a withdrawal fee of CHF 80 will be charged. Thereafter, the course fee will be deducted in full, regardless of the reason for any withdrawal during the course. These penalties are not covered by the HEP.