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UNIL: a world-renowned cancer research centre

Faced with the challenge of fighting cancer, UNIL offers a unique diversity of approaches. Beyond the medical aspect, where oncologists and geneticists are at work, researchers in the humanities and social sciences are studying this theme using the tools specific to their disciplines. In this way, the work of UNIL scientists saves lives, focuses on the well-being of patients and clarifies the societal factors behind illness.

Studying the causes and effects of illness is a key part of our research.

Studying the stories of illness in a book can help a doctor to better learn how to communicate. Investigating the techniques and results of biomedical research in the light of the social sciences can help to redefine the notion of care.

From its perspective, the UNIL - CHUV oncology department combines scientific and clinical expertise to explore new therapeutic avenues at the cutting edge of world research. The Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (a not-for-profit organisation that is a pioneer in cancer research), which has been based in Lausanne since 1971, is an integral part of this. As a result, Lausanne is home to the Swiss Cancer Centre - Arc lémanique - which brings together experts from UNIL, CHUV, HUG, UNIGE, EPFL, the ISREC Foundation and the LUDWIG Institute. This should make Lausanne a world-renowned centre for immunobiology, immunoengineering and immunotherapy.

Different perspectives on cancer

In this video, three scientists from different disciplines discuss and explore cancer research from their distinct but complementary perspectives: prof. George Coukos, world specialist in immunotherapy, Dr Nils Graber, senior SNSF researcher specialising in the social sciences of oncology and Dr Adrien Guignard, researcher at the Institute of Humanities in Medicine (IHM), which analyses the history of medicine and public health, specialist in stories of illness and the interaction between literature and medicine.

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