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Competence Centre in Sustainability (CCD)

The Competence Centre in Sustainability drives and supports the implementation of measures and strategies to accelerate the ecological and social transition within UNIL and society at large.


Thanks to a team with interdisciplinary profiles and the development of innovative methodologies and tools, the Competence Centre in Sustainability (CCD) aims to strengthen sustainability education and encourage interdisciplinary research to accelerate the ecological transition, while developing closer synergies with partners in the field (public administrations, companies, associations, etc.). As a department of the Rectorate, it supports the development, implementation and monitoring of the results of UNIL's transition strategy: CAP2037.

Follow the CCD's activities in the monthly newsletter on the ecological transition at UNIL : 

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The CCD has three divisions (Research, Education and Societal Relations), which produce knowledge and develop skills that meet the needs of the UNIL community and societal partners.

Research division

The role of the Research division is to strengthen UNIL's research community on transition issues.

  • It encourages and promotes interdisciplinary research on sustainability through ambitious programmes such as STRIVE, events and joint publications.
  • It helps to map the sustainability research community at UNIL and supports the various interdisciplinary centres, platforms and observatories working on these issues.  
  • It is also interested in research conditions, with reflections on the commitment of researchers.   
  • It helps to promote and disseminate knowledge within society (publications, events, etc.).

Education division

The Education division's role is to educate the entire UNIL community in sustainability.

  • It supports Faculties and lecturers in transforming curricula and courses and is working to develop a resource centre specifically for teaching sustainability.
  • It supports the development of student associatiion activities.
  • It contributes to raising awareness and educating the UNIL community on aspects of campus operations, as part of the UNIL transition strategy.

The Education division also works closely with the schools in the canton.

Societal Relations division

The Societal Relations division's role is to enhance the co-production of knowledge and skills on the ecological transition that are useful to actors in the field.

  • It encourages and promotes partnership research (action research) on sustainability through programmes such as Volteface and Possible Futures
  • It mobilises UNIL's in-house knowledge and skills to meet the needs of sustainability actors.
  • It supports the development of a range of continuing education courses for actors in the field.



  • Driving interdisciplinary research on the challenges of socioecological transformation (STRIVE programme)
  • Foundation of the UNIL community of researchers working on sustainability
  • Management of the Sustainability Portal
  • Organisation of scientific events and symposia on sustainability-related topics
  • Publishing, summarising and promoting scientific content for the general public
The CCD's publications


  • Support for the development of the teaching of sustainability at UNIL (for curricula or courses)
  • Creation of an educational resource centre on sustainability for teachers at UNIL
  • Encouraging student associations and student projects related to sustainability: Volteface students
  • Collaborations with the Sustainability Unit of the DEF and that of HEP Vaud to offer resources to teachers of compulsory and post-compulsory education (development of continuing education, in particular).
  • Organisation and coordination of Écotopiales, the festival of ecological imagination.

Societal Relations

  • Encouraging research partnerships (Volteface and Future Possibilities programmes)
  • Development of collaborations linking researchers and stakeholders in the field
  • Networking civil society stakeholders around sustainability: organising events, field research, etc.
  • Development of continuing education modules open to civil society actors

Support for UNIL's CAP2037 transition strategy

  • Support for the development of the UNIL transition strategy  
  • Environmental and social monitoring of UNIL’s impacts  
  • Support for the implementation of measures and actions
  • Supporting UNIL departments and Faculties
  • Communication on CAP2037 (communication strategy, website, social media, events, etc.)

Communication and events

  • Design and development of CCD communications
  • Design, organisation and support for events on sustainability
  • Dissemination of news related to sustainability at UNIL (monthly newsletter, social media, etc.)

Practical information


Social media

Main address

Vortex Building
Entrance B
8th floor

Access, parking and delivery


Members of the department



Research division

Education division

Societal Relations division

Catherine Lavallez

Catherine Lavallez

Alexandre Grandjean

Alexandre Grandjean

Anouchka Bagnoud

Anouchka Bagnoud

Micaël Metry

Micaël Metry

Andrea Cherdo

Andrea Cherdo

