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Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Here you'll find detailed information on protecting your health during pregnancy and breastfeeding, managing absences for health reasons during your studies, and the facilities available on campus to help parents.

Health protection - high-risk activities

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the health of the individual and their (future) child must be protected. There are legal provisions concerning this protection in the professional context and during studies. Their implementation at UNIL is described in Directive 1.38 (Health protection for pregnant women).

At UNIL, the UniSEP Service is responsible for assessing activities that are dangerous and/or strenuous for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Absences and studies

If you are pregnant and unable to attend a lesson due to a pregnancy-related health problem, your absence will not usually cause any particular problems. However, it is a good idea to inform the teacher concerned. If the course includes an attendance check, you must provide a copy of the medical certificate to your faculty secretary or directly to the lecturer in accordance with the procedures set out in your course regulations.

If you are unable to sit an examination for health reasons, you must inform your faculty secretary's office before the examination date; before the examination date and provide a medical certificate, in accordance with the procedures set out in the study regulations for your course.

Breastfeeding rooms

Need somewhere to breastfeed or express milk? Several equipped rooms are available on campus. To request access, contact or call +41 21 692 25 77. You can also go directly to Accueil Santé (Anthropole 1056).

Changing tables

Informations complémentaires

Within UNIL, you can contact:

  • the Human Resources Unit (RH) and its HR partners in the faculties and services for all administrative questions related to applicable norms in case of parenthood or work organization,
  • the safety correspondents of your entity (COSECS list) for questions related to hazards linked to activities,
  • the Equal Opportunities Office  for all questions related to parenthood support measures,
  • the occupational health nurses ( for all health protection and workplace ergonomics questions,
  • the community health nurses ( for any questions from a university community member regarding health.

Other sources of information are also available from SECO (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs)