The University of Lausanne has seven faculty committees and one central committee. Each committee decides on its own mode of operation and composition, and is governed by specific regulations.
The CER-Lettres regulations can be consulted on the faculty website. It can be found on the page "règlements et directives", heading "règlements facultaires", tab "commissions permanentes". This is the document "règlement des commissions permanentes".
Name | Function |
Vice-dean of research and doctoral training |
Professor, Department of English |
Yann Dahhaoui |
Research consultant to the Faculty of Arts |
Name | Function |
Elena Martinez |
Adjointe aux humanités, Présidente |
Jérôme Wuarin |
Research assistant, Vice-president |
Ralf Jox |
Clinical Therapeutics Unit, CHUV, Member |
Nicolas Fasel |
Vice-Dean of Research, Member |
The rules and regulations, as well as all information relating to the functioning and procedures of the CER-HEC are available on the page Ethics & Integrity in Research of the HEC faculty website.
Name | Function |
Carolyn Magnani |
Pridente / Resprésentante du Décanat |
Franciska Krings |
Faculty representative |
Rustamdjan Hakimov |
Faculty representative |
Ulrich Hoffrage |
Faculty representative |
Mathias Humbert |
Faculty representative |
Marc-Olivier Boldi |
President of the Corps Intermédiaire |
Liliane Keopraseuth |
Representative of the Corps Intermédiaire |
Daniella Seguel Eduardo |
TAP representative |
For specific information, please visit the page dedicated to the CER-FGSE.
The rules of the CER-FGSE can be consulted on the faculty website. It can be found on the page "règlements généraux de Faculté", heading règlements spécifiques.
Name | Function |
Christian Kull |
Prince, Vice-Dean of Research |
Rémy Freymond |
Faculty assistant; research |
Amélie Dreiss |
Coordinator of the CER-GSE, research consultant |
Name | Function |
Professor IGD |
Patrick Rerat |
IGD Professor |
Nathalie Chèvre |
IDYST teaching and research centre |
Gérald Hess |
Maître d'enseignement et recherche IGD |
Barbara Beck |
IGD mid-body |
Diane Laugel |
IGD mid-body |
Manon Marillier |
Student MSc Graphics |
Eloïse Singer |
Student MSc Biogéosciences |
The rules of the CER-FDCA can be consulted on the faculty's website. It can be found on the page dedicated to the commission, tab "missions".
Name | Function |
Chairman, representative of the Law School |
Reprising professor at the Ecole des Sciences Criminelles |
President of the Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique |
Name | Function |
President of the Law School . |
Reprising professor at the Ecole des Sciences Criminelles . |
President of the Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique . |
For specific information, please consult the page dedicated to the CER-SSP.
The rules of the CER-SSP are available on the faculty website. It can be found on the page "règlements facultaires", heading "règlements structurels", document "règlement des commissions permanentes".
Name | Function |
Chairman |
Coordinator |
Name | Function |
Reprising ISSUL |
Reprising IEP |
Representing ISS |
Reprising IP |
Reprising intermediary body |
Gabriel Gamacho |
Representing étudiant·e·s |
The CER-FTSR regulations can be consulted on the faculty's website. It can be found on the "règlements et directives" page, heading "règlements" tab "commissions".
Name | Function |
Président (Vice-dean) |
Representing the UNIL Research Ethics Committee (CER-UNIL) |
Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Ethics (CIRE) |
Christelle Cocco |
Research consultant |