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Language centre

UNIL takes a holistic approach to language teaching for its entire community (students, staff) and offers a wide range of courses to help you acquire new language skills.

Providing or following language courses is…
… to encourage and promote language learning to meet the challenges of international university education, mobility, working life and lifelong learning.

…enable the development of plurilingual and intercultural skills with a view to the competent use of languages in multiple contexts and for a variety of purposes.

…to develop skills in languages and communication as a key transversal skill that is essential à all training courses.

…encourage continuing education for UNIL staff members in this field.

…offer a support service à the administration and UNIL faculties regarding language and plurilingualism issues.

Find out more about our approche pédagogique

Sign up

HEP and EPFL students

If you are studying at the HEP or EPFL and would like to take a language course at UNIL, you can find practical information by following the link for your studies.

HEP students
EPFL students

Language courses on offer

To communicate in a multilingual and multicultural context.

Other languages UNIL

Are you looking for French language courses? Would you like to learn a language other than those offered by the Language Centre?

Discover the possibilities

Types of course

Language learning requires a great deal of commitment and hard work, especially outside group periods. Before enrolling, make sure you have the time to put in the necessary work. If you are placed in a group, you agree to follow the module in its entirety and on a regular basis.

Our training programme is provided by the UNIL university community (consulter les autres catégories admises).

The “Specific Skills” modules develop specific competences in language and communication, to enable learners to participate more effectively in academic, professional or social situations.

The objectives of the “integrated skills” modules are to enable participants :

  • to begin to learn a new language
  • to develop existing skills and make them more specific

These modules are largely based on communication. They aim to develop skills which will enable learners to use the language for various reasons in a variety of contexts. These modules also aim to develop cultural and intercultural aspects as well as the ability to learn independently.

Modules preparing students for external international exams (Cambridge English, Goethe, etc.) help students pass exams for academic mobility and future professional objectives.

They focus on listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Intensive courses allow you to improve your general communication skills in a short period of time. A wide range of stimulating activities will help you to improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. These include discussions, listening exercises, role-plays, games, watching videos and reflecting on your learning.

Guided independent learning with a tutor allows you to pursue your language learning without joining a class and by studying autonomously. This module allows you to focus on your specific needs. You will be working both in the Multimedia Centre and at home.  A language teacher will give you regular guidance and advice.

The PlurieL platform in the Multimedia Centre offers all the information, learning material and support you need: it will allow you to locate activities and organise your study.

To allow you to learn a language without joining a module, the Language Centre encourages you to use our PlurieL learning platform and benefit from resources specially designed for autonomous language study. If places are available you may also use the resources of our multimedia room (1060 Anthropole).

The way the Multimedia Centre and our platform are organised will allow you to locate activities corresponding to your level and needs, and provide you with information and tools to help you manage your learning.

Someone will always be on hand to help you understand how the Multimedia Centre works and show you how to access material.


To register online, you must log in with your UNIL email username and password.

Everyone at UNIL has an email and an identity that gives them access to a number of services. The Language Centre sends a variety of information to its students via this channel (confirmations, room changes, teacher absences, etc.).

If you have not activated your email or have lost your password, please contact the IT Centre Helpdesk (021 692 22 11).

If you do not have a UNIL email address and are authorised to take a course at the Language Centre (people with access to our courses)

Timetables are fixed at the start of semester according to the availability of people who have signed up for it; they are posted outside the Centre de langues.

Once the class times have been fixed, everyone who has submitted a pre-inscription will be notified via their UNIL email address. Class lists are also posted outside the Centre de langues and appear in your personal dossier if you have been placed in a class.

You cannot sign up after the registration deadline. If you signed up but were not placed in a group, you can try contacting the Centre de langues Reception during the first 2 weeks of the module.

We want to offer our modules to as many people as possible, which is why we limit the number of pre-inscriptions  to 3, and the number of groups you can join in one semester to 2. We also do not allow people to follow 2 modules in the same language - except for the intensive modules.

You can therefore only sign up for one module per language (for the semester modules). However, if you are not placed in a group, contact us immediately and we will see whether there are other possibilities open to you (a different kind of module, another time slot, etc.)

You can only sign up for one module per language (for the semester modules).

However, if you have not been placed in the group you wanted, contact us immediately and we will see whether there are other possibilities open to you (a different kind of module, another time slot, etc.)

The Language Centre offers preparation courses for the most popular exams, but does not administer exams: you can register directly (with or without specific preparation) at the addresses below.

For English, there are several options:

Cambridge University (FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, etc.) via the Examination Centres in Switzerland

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) via the British Council or by email

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) has several test opportunities in Switzerland and allows online registration 

For German, you can obtain the Goethe Zertifikat via the Goethe Institut or the Examination Centres in Switzerland 
You can also contact us at the following email address

For Spanish, a list of DELE exams is offered via the Institut Cervantes via the Spanish Ministère de l’Education présent in Swiss embassies à la Consejeria de Educacion
More information is available by email at the following address

CELI various levels via the Università per Stranieri di Perugia

For Italian, the Centre CPSI - Centro Pro Scuola Italiano st your point of contact in Switzerland online or by email à the 

For Russian, check out this site

We suggest the following site:

The Centre de langues does not offer level placement tests – but various websites will allow you to do so.

If you need official proof of your level for an exchange and your host university accepts the ISEP Language Proficiency Report, this can be obtained through the Language Center for English, German, Spanish and Italian.

  1. Register for the ISEP test at the Language Center Reception (fee of CHF 30.-, cash payment only). Semester opening hours are 10am to 12:30pm Tuesday to Friday. During intersemester periods please enquire by mail (
  2. Upon registration, you receive a link to your ISEP test space for the written component. The different parts are timed but can be completed independently within a period of two weeks on the online platform.
  3. After completion of the written component, set up your appointment for the oral evaluation. Your results will be validated and your ISEP report will be immediately available to include in your exchange application.

The Centre de langues can’t recommend a private school. If you do not have access to our modules, we suggest you contact the following institutions in the Lausanne district:

The Lausanne Open University

The Vaud Private School Association

There are several possibilities at UNIL to learn French or other languages:


How to find us

Room 1065 Anthropole (1st level, opposite the cafeteria - metro Chamberonne).

The Language Centre reception is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 12.30pm.

Calculate your itinerary with PlanèteUNIL 

+41 21 692 29 20