Are you a victim or witness of psychological harassment or cyberbullying in your work or studies? Don't stay alone.
Finding helpPsychological harassment (or mobbing) is defined as a series of hostile comments or actions, repeated frequently over a fairly long time, which aim to upset, isolate, marginalise or even exclude one or more people in the place where they work or study.
Examples of psychological harassment
Harassment of any form is not tolerated at the University of Lausanne under any circumstances.
Cyberbullying involves repeatedly making threatening, hateful, insulting or degrading comments – either by using images or in writing – using communication technologies (social media, forums, text messages, chats, emails), with the aim of hurting, threatening, humiliating, ridiculing or excluding someone.
Cyberbullying can be a form of psychological harassment or, if there are sexual connotations, sexual harassment.
Examples of cyberbullying
Find out more about online violence