The Rectorate of the University of Lausanne
Having regard to the Act of 6 July 2004 on the University of Lausanne (hereinafter LUL)
Having regard to the Regulation of 18 December 2014 on the application of the Act of 6 July 2004 on the University of Lausanne (hereinafter RLUL)
adopts the present internal regulations.
The Council uses epicene and feminised language.
Art. 1 - Faculties of the University
The University is composed of the following seven faculties:
It is associated with EPFL as part of the UNIL-EPFL Foundation for Continuing Education.
Art. 2 - Subdivision of the Faculties
The subdivision of the Faculties into scientific units and administrative units is governed by the Regulations of the Faculties.
Art. 3 - Inter-faculty units
Some units may be inter-Faculty.
These are the subject of an agreement between Faculties specifying their objectives, resources, affiliation and duration. They are submitted to the Rectorate for approval.
Art. 4 - Procedure for appointment to the post of Rector
The University Council shall designate the members of the Selection Committee provided for in Article 14 RLUL where this proves to be necessary. In all cases, the appointment must be made at least 18 months before the end of the Rectorate's term of office. This Committee shall consult with the Rectorate, the Deans and the associations representing the various bodies.
At least one member of each body shall ne represented on the Committee.
The Committee shall announce at the start of its work, in agreement with the Board, its work schedule and the major stages of the procedure. The Chair of the Committee shall regularly inform the Board of the University Council, within the limits of confidentiality, of the progress of its work.
At the end of the process, the Committee shall submit a report, containing a list of the candidates selected.
The Council, on the basis of the report, shall instruct the Committee to carry out its work, before hearing the candidates retained on the list.
Art. 5 - Method of election
The University Council shall elect the person proposed for the post of Rector, no later than nine months before the end of the Rectorate's term of office, in a session held in camera. The election shall take place by secret ballot.
In the first two ballots, the members of the Board may vote for the candidates of their choice.
From the third ballot onwards, any person who:
a. obtains no votes
. b. obtains the fewest votes. In the event of a tie between two or more candidates obtaining the fewest votes, all the candidates shall be eliminated;all candidates are eliminated, unless the sum of their votes is greater than or equal to the absolute majority of the ballot papers received and not spoilt. If this majority is not shared in the next round, a vote shall be taken between the sole candidates in order to share them. The candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated. If this procedure does not result in the elimination of a candidate, lots shall be drawn to eliminate one of these candidates.
shall be eliminated.
The candidate who obtains the absolute majority of the ballot papers received, not invalidated, shall be elected. If this majority is not obtained, the Election Committee is instructed to propose at least one new candidate within four weeks. New elections are held according to the same procedure. The last remaining candidate is elected even if he or she does not obtain an absolute majority. In all cases, the votes cast for candidates who are not eligible or whose candidacy has not been regularly submitted to the Election Committee shall be null and void.
Art. 6 - Ratification of academic members of the Rectorate
The other members of the Rectorate shall be ratified in accordance with the procedure set out in Articles 23 LUL and 18 RLUL. If the members are not ratified by the Council, the Rector shall have one month to propose a new list. If this list is again rejected, the same procedure shall apply.
Art. 7 - Procedures for the election of the University Council
Six months before the end of its term of office, the Board, in agreement with the Rectorate, shall invite the Faculties and bodies represented on the University Council to prepare for the election of their representatives. It shall lay down the procedure for calling for candidates and publishing the results. It shall set out the definition of the bodies entitled to stand for election and to vote, as well as the voting system (first-past-the-post). A person may not belong to more than one electoral college within the meaning of Article 23 para. 1 RLUL.
A person belonging to more than one body shall choose which electoral college he or she belongs to. A PhD student who has a contract to work as an assistant at UNIL belongs to the academic staff of the intermediary body.
In the event of a vacancy, additional elections shall be organised by the Board, in agreement with the Rectorate. The Deans' Offices and the Human Resources Department shall be responsible for ensuring that these elections are held as quickly as possible, for the Faculties and central services respectively.
The other members of the Rectorate shall be appointed by the Rector; the appointment of academic members shall be ratified en bloc by the University Council, except in the event of vacancies being filled during the term of office. Academic members shall make up the majority of the Rectorate.
Members of the Rectorate may be chosen from outside the University. Members of the Rectorate must devote all their time to the performance of their duties.
The term of office of the Rector and the academic members is five years, renewable.
The Rector and the academic members are appointed by the President of the University.
Unless there are specific provisions in the present regulations or in the employment contract between the State Council and the Rector, the personnel legislation of the State of Vaud shall apply to their relationship. The same applies to the relationship between the other members of the Rectorate and the University.
Art. 8 - Representation of each body in each Faculty on the University Council
The 18 Faculty representatives shall be subdivided as follows:
The eight intermediary body representatives shall be subdivided as follows:
The six administrative and technical staff representatives shall be subdivided as follows:
The seats shared by two Faculties shall be filled in turn, for the duration of a term of office, by each of the two Faculties.
The 12 student representatives shall be subdivided as follows:
Art. 9 - Organisation of the University Council - a) Presidency
The University Council elects the President from among its members. The election takes place by secret ballot.
In the first two ballots, Council members may vote for the candidates of their choice.
From the third ballot onwards, any person who:
a. obtains no votes;
b. obtains the fewest votes.
shall be eliminated.
In the event of a tie between more than one candidate obtaining the fewest votes, all the candidates obtaining the fewest votes shall be eliminated, unless the sum of their votes is greater than or equal to the absolute majority of the ballot papers returned which are not invalid. If this majority is not shared in the next round, a vote shall be taken between the sole candidates in order to share them. The candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated. If this procedure does not result in the elimination of a candidate, lots are drawn to eliminate one of these candidates.
Candidates with the lowest number of votes are eliminated.
Whatever the number of candidates, the candidate who obtains an absolute majority of the members present shall be elected.
The term of office of the President is one year, renewable twice. In the event of election during the term of office, the term of office of the President shall coincide with that of the other members of the Board.
Art. 10 - Assignment
The President of the Council:
Receives all communications addressed to the University Council and signs official documents.
Art. 11 - b) Vice-Presidency
The Vice-President shall be elected by the University Council in the same way as the President. If only one candidate is put forward, he or she shall be elected tacitly, subject to the opposition of at least one member of the Council.
The term of office is one year, renewable twice. In the event of election during the term of office, the term of office of the vVice-President shall coincide with that of the other members of the Board.
The Vice-President shall be appointed by the Council. The Vice-President replaces the President in the event of the latter's incapacity.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President of the Board, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of President.
In the event of the resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of President and shall arrange for the election of a new President at the next Council meeting.
Art. 12 - c) Secretariat
The Secretary shall be elected by the University Council in the same way as the President. If only one candidate stands for election, he or she shall be elected tacitly, subject to the opposition of at least one member of the Council.
The term of office is one year, renewable twice. In the event of election during the term of office, the term of office of the Secretary coincides with that of the other members of the Board.
The Secretary shall draw up and sign the minutes of the meetings of the University Council. In the event that the Secretary is unable to attend, the Council shall appoint a substitute Secretary on the proposal of the President.
Art. 13 - d) Board
The Board of the University Council shall consist of a maximum of six members, at least one of whom shall be from each office, namely:
Additional members of the Board shall be elected en bloc by the University Council in the same way as the President.
If only one candidate per seat is nominated, the election is tacit, subject to the opposition of at least one member of the Council.
The term of office is one year, renewable twice. If they are elected during the term of office, their term of office coincides with that of the other members of the Board.
The Board of the University Council discusses and verifies the agenda, draws up the schedule of meetings, prepares the debates of the University Council and proposes the committees to be submitted to the University Council for election.
The Board takes its decisions by majority vote, with the President having the casting vote in the event of a tie.
The Board operates by rotation. It may meet at the request of one of its members.
Art. 14 - e) Committees
The University Council shall set up the following two committees:
In accordance with art. 29 LUL, it may also set up other committees, standing or otherwise, whose remit it shall determine.
Art. 15 - Composition of committees
Subject to Article 14 RLUL, the committees constituted by the University Council shall consist of seven members, whose distribution by body shall be as follows:
If one of the bodies does not find the necessary number of candidates from within its ranks, its representatives shall be replaced by representatives from other bodies.
As far as possible, as many Faculties as possible shall be represented on each committee.
When the committee studies a project put forward by the Rectorate, the latter may be represented on the committee.
Art. 16 - Appointment of committees
Committees shall be elected en bloc by the University Council, by an absolute majority of the members present, on a proposal from the Board or from members of the University Council. If none of the proposed committees obtains an absolute majority, elections by list are organised for each body in order to constitute the committee.
Art. 17 - Operation and powers of the committees
The committees shall organise themselves. They shall elect a chair from among their members. Their remit and the duration of their members' terms of office are specified in committee regulations adopted by the University Council.
Art. 18 - f) Mission
Members of the Council, the Board or a Committee shall, where appropriate, send their mission statement in writing to the President of the University Council. In the event of the President's resignation, he or she shall notify the Vice-President by letter.
Art. 19 - Meetings of the University Council - a) Ordinary meetings
The University Council shall hold at least two ordinary meetings per academic semester.
Art. 20 - b) Extraordinary meetings
At any time, the Board, the Rectorate or a quarter of the members of the University Council may demand that an extraordinary meeting be held.
Art. 21 - c) Notice to attend
In accordance with Article 10, the President shall convene the members to the meetings of the University Council. The date and time of a meeting must be sent to the members of the University Council at least two weeks before the meeting. The agenda must be sent to them at least seven days before the meeting.
Art. 22 - Agenda items
Any member of the University Council may propose the inclusion of an item on the agenda by written notice, at least 10 days before the meeting is due to take place.
The agenda shall be drawn up by the President of the University Council. The agenda shall be adopted at the beginning of the meeting by the University Council. It may be amended by decision of two-thirds of the members present.
Art. 23 - d) Quorum for discussions and voting
The University Council may not validly sit unless at least 23 of its members are present.
Art. 24 - Closed session
Subject to the secrecy of the exenptions provided for in art. 21 LUL, the meetings of the University Council are public. At the request of one of its members, the University Council may decide to hold its meetings in camera by an absolute majority of the members present.
The meeting may be held in camera in two ways. In the first case, a strict lockdown shall be imposed and only the voting members may remain in the room. In the second case, invited members (Rectorate and directors) shall be allowed to follow and even take part in the discussions.
When the meeting is held in camera, confidentiality must be respected and only the results of votes shall be recorded in the minutes.
Art. 25 - Discussions
No one may speak unless he or she has been invited to do so by the President.
The President shall give the floor to the members of the University Council in order of request. He or she may, however, group speeches relating to the same subject or alternate points of view equally. The Chair shall give the floor to the Rectorate or to one of the Deans at their request.
Art. 26 - Point of order
Any member of the University Council may move, by a point of order, that the discussion be closed, postponed until the next session, and that the session be closed and the remaining items of business be put back on the agenda until the next session.
The point of order shall be debated and then put to the vote. If it is accepted, those who still wish to speak shall announce themselves to the President. The President shall give them the floor, close the discussion and, if appropriate, put the matter to the vote.
Art. 27 - Suspension of meeting
The President or a majority of the members present may decide to suspend the meeting.
Art. 28 - Decisions
Once the discussion has ended, the President shall propose the order and procedure by which he or she intends the vote to be taken. If this voting procedure is contested by a member of the University Council, he or she shall propose an alternative voting procedure. The University Council shall decide. Subject to the provisions of these regulations to the contrary, decisions shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast, not including abstentions. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote. An amendment to these regulations requires two rounds of voting at two different sessions of the University Council. In the event of conflicting results in the two rounds, a third round, the result of which shall be conclusive, shall be held at a subsequent meeting of the University Council.
Art. 29 - Secret ballot
Decisions shall be taken by a show of hands. If a member of the University Council so requests, they shall be taken by secret ballot.
Art. 30 - Minutes
Decisive minutes shall be kept for each meeting of the University Council. They shall be signed by the Secretary of the University Council and countersigned by the President. The minutes must be adopted by the next ordinary meeting at the latest. Any request to amend the minutes must be accompanied by a rewording proposal.
Art. 31 - Right of interpellation
Each member of the University Council may, by means of an interpellation, ask the Rectorate for an explanation on any matter relating to the University, in particular on an act of the Rectorate or its administration.
Interpellations are questions developed in writing or orally, by their author, under the general heading of the agenda that is devoted to them each time.
The Rectorate shall respond orally or by written reply immediately or at the next meeting, unless the circumstances require a longer period of time.
The discussion that follows the response given by the Rectorate may give rise to the adoption of a resolution (art. 37 IR) by the University Council, on the proposal of the interpellant or any other member of the University Council, either immediately or at the following meeting of the University Council; otherwise, the Rectorate's response shall be taken as definitive.
Art. 32 - Right of proposal
Each member of the University Council may make a general proposal (art. 33 IR), a proposal for a legislative act (art. 34 IR), submit a postulate (art. 35 IR), or submit a motion (art. 36 IR).
When a member of the University Council wishes to make use of his or her right to submit a proposal, he or she shall in principle submit it in writing to the President 10 days before the next meeting. The item in question shall be added to the agenda. The Rectorate shall announce to the Board 10 days before the session the proposals to which it will respond.
Art. 33 - General proposal
Each member of the University Council may make a general proposal on any matter relating to the University; the proposal may be addressed directly by the proposer to the Rectorate. The author of the proposal may withdraw it until it has been considered by the University Council.
The University Council shall make its decision after discussion.
The University Council may decide to:
The Rectorate must present to the University Council:
After a period of three months, the Board shall send a reminder to the Rectorate.
Art. 34 - Proposal for a legislative act
Each member of the University Council may propose a normative act (adoption or amendment of a regulation under the jurisdiction of the University Council).
When a member of the University Council wishes to make use of his or her right of proposal for a legislative act, he or she shall in principle submit the proposal in writing to the President 10 days before the next meeting. The item in question is added to the agenda. The author of the proposal may withdraw it until it has been considered by the University Council.
The author of the proposal may submit his or her proposal to the University Council, which may decide to forward it to the Legislative Committee.
The University Council may decide to forward it to the Legislative Committee.
The proposer of the proposal is heard by the Committee, which submits a report to the Board. On the basis of this report, the Council discusses the proposal, and may also amend it or refer it back to the Legislative Committee for reworking.
The University Council makes its decision after discussion.
After a period of three months, the Board will issue a reminder to the committee concerned.
Art. 35 - Proposal for a postulate
Each member of the University Council may submit a postulate inviting the Rectorate to study the advisability of taking a measure or to request a study on any matter relating to the University. The Board shall submit a postulate to the University Council, or to the governing body (adoption or amendment of a regulation or directive) in an area falling within the remit of the University Council, and shall draw up a report. In principle, the proposal for a postulate should be submitted by letter to the President 10 days before the next meeting. The author of the proposal may withdraw it until it has been considered by the University Council.
The University Council makes its decision after discussion.
The University Council may decide to:
The Rectorate must submit a written report on the postulate to the University Council. Where justified by the work required to complete the report, this report may, at the request of the Rectorate, be extended.
Art. 36 - Proposed motion
Each member of the University Council may submit a motion instructing the Rectorate to present a measure or draft legislative act (adoption or amendment of a regulation, directive) in an area falling within the competence of the University Council. In the case of a request for a proposal to present a draft legislative act, the motion must indicate the meaning of the desired legislation. In principle, the motion shall be submitted by letter to the President 10 days before the next meeting.
The proposal is presented to the University Council.
The University Council makes its decision after discussion.
The University Council may decide to
The Rectorate must submit a written report on the motion to the University Council. Where justified by the work required to complete the report, this report may, at the request of the Rectorate, be extended.
The Rectorate must submit to the University Council a report on the motion.
The author of the proposal may withdraw it or transform a motion into a postulate, until it is considered by the University Council. Once this decision has been taken, a motion may be transformed into a postulate by the University Council, after taking the author's opinion into consideration.
The University Council may withdraw the motion or transform a motion into a postulate until it has been taken into consideration by the University Council.
Art. 37 - Right of reply
Each member of the University Council may present a solution, in the form of a statement, a wish or an opinion, expressed to the attention of the Rectorate, on any matter relating to the University. The resolution is not binding on the Rectorate. In view of the case referred to in art. 30a al. 4 IR, the resolution is presented by letter to the President, in principle at least 10 days before the next meeting. It is added to the agenda and discussed at the University Council meeting.
After discussion and as far as possible immediately, the University Council shall decide on the matter in question, where appropriate after hearing the Rectorate. If the matter is referred to it, it may submit the resolution to a committee for examination, which may make any proposal to develop or supplement certain points of the solution; otherwise, the final vote is taken directly. The Rectorate will inform the University Council of any action it intends to take on the resolution as soon as possible.
Art. 38 - Breakdown of seats between each body on Faculty Councils
Faculty Councils shall consist of 22, 33 or 44 members. The breakdown of seats between the bodies is as follows:
Members of the Dean's Office are not part of the Faculty Council.
Faculty regulations may provide for the appointment of substitutes for each body.
Faculty regulations may provide for minimum representation for some of their entities.
With the exception of closed sessions decided by the Faculty Council, any member of the Faculty has the right to attend meetings.
Art. 39 - Appointment of members of the Disciplinary Board
The election of the members of the Disciplinary Board and of two substitutes, in order of precedence, by body represented, shall be by majority vote in a single ballot.
The members of the Disciplinary Board and their substitutes shall appointed for a renewable term of two years. In the event of election during the term of office, the term of office shall coincide with that of the other members of the Disciplinary Board. The University Council shall ensure fair representation of the Faculties. In the event of disqualification, the members shall inform the President of the University Council by letter.
Art. 40 - Method of election of the Staff Committee and conditions of appointment of its members
The members of the University Staff Committee shall be elected by their respective bodies within the Committee by majority vote in a single ballot. In the event of a tie, lots shall be drawn. Members of the various bodies shall be eligible to stand for election, with the exception of members of the Rectorate and members of the Deans' Offices.
Their term of office is three years. In the event of election during the term of office, the term of office shall coincide with that of the other members of the Staff Committee. Members shall send their statement of purpose to the President of the University Council in writing. The Board shall inform the Rectorate, which shall organise the election. Otherwise, the Staff Committee shall be governed by a directive from the Rectorate, pursuant to article 2, paragraph 2 RLUL.
Art. 41 - Promotion: opportunities
Holders of an academic post or qualification may exceptionally be promoted to a higher post or qualification. This possibility exists, subject to the conditions set out in Articles 42 and 43, for:
The rules governing the tenure of a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor to the rank of Full or Associate Professor are hereby restated and the stabilisation of a Lecturer at the rank of Senior Lecturer; these two changes of status are possible under the conditions set out in the LUL and the RLUL.
Art. 42 - General principles
Subject to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 below, promotion is only possible if one of the following conditions applies:
It is not possible to benefit from two successive promotions.
A promotion is only possible if the candidate has been in post for at least five years.
Art. 43 - Procedure
Any promotion must first be the subject of a request, submitted by the Director, indicating the reasons for having recourse to the exceptional promotion procedure and the implications for the Faculty budget. If the Rectorate agrees, the Faculty shall set up a Promotions Committee, the composition of which shall be approved by the Rectorate. The Promotions Committee shall include external members. The committee shall not include the candidate's former PhD director.
The Promotions Committee shall be responsible for assessing the file of the person proposed for promotion on the basis of the level that would be reached after promotion. The assessment covers the scientific record, teaching activities and management and administrative activities. The Committee shall also the views of the Student Body, the Intermediate Body and Administrative and Technical Staff. Faculty regulations set out the procedures for setting up the committee, how it operates and the assessment criteria. The Promotions Committee's proposal shall submitted to the Faculty Council for a preliminary opinion, and then to the Rectorate for a decision.
Art. 44 - Evaluation with a view to the renewal of a stable mandate
Full Professors, Ad Personam Full Professors, Associate Professors, Ad Personam Associate Professors, Senior Lecturers (type 1, type 2 and clinical) and Adjunct Professors are periodically subject to an evaluation procedure with a view to the renewal of their mandate.
Two years before the end of his/her term of office, the teacher concerned shall be invited by the Rectorate to submit an activity report to the Dean of his/her faculty within two months. This report must describe the activities carried out since the previous evaluation and be based on the terms of reference. A Rectorate directive specifies the information that this report must contain.
The Dean's Office will arrange a meeting between the teacher concerned and a member of the Dean's Office or, in the case of a teaching and clinical research lecturer, between the teacher concerned and the Head of Department.
If the Head of Department is considering a possible non-renewal, he/she must inform the teacher concerned and request further information. The teacher concerned may then request the services of external experts chosen on an equal basis from a list proposed by the Dean's Office and a list proposed by him or herself.
On the basis of the activity report, the interview and, where appropriate, any additional information, the Dean's Office shall send the Rectorate a preliminary opinion, stating the reasons, concerning the renewal of the appointment and, in the event of a positive preliminary opinion, a new set of terms and conditions.
Art. 45 - Principle
Faculty members and teaching and research assistants may be granted academic leave after each six-year teaching period, subject to the conditions set out in Article 46.
The duration of the leave is, in principle, a maximum of 12 months. Salary is paid in full if the period of leave does not exceed six months; if it does, 60% of the salary is paid.
Professors who have served as Deans for three years may be granted six months' leave with full payment of their salary.
Professors who have served as a Dean or member of the Rectorate for at least five years may be granted 112 months' leave with full pay. This leave may be combined with any academic leave that may have been granted as a professor.
Art. 46 - Conditions
Leave must be the subject of a reasoned request indicating the activities to be undertaken during the leave in relation to the following three objectives: to enable the lecturer to update his/her knowledge, to develop and publish his/her research and to establish collaborations with researchers from other universities. The application shall be sent to the Dean's Office, which shall forward it to the Rectorate for a decision, with the prior opinion of the Dean's Office and the Faculty Council.
The Dean's Office shall be responsible for organising any additional teaching required during the period of leave.
A Rectorate directive sets out the terms and conditions of the procedure.
Art. 47 - Reservations
The provisions of the Regulations of 16.11.2005 on the management of teaching and research in biology and medicine between the University of Lausanne and the Hospices/CHUV are reserved.
Art. 48 - Entry into force
These regulations come into force on 1st January 2006.
The present regulations were adopted by the University Council at its meeting on 24 November 2005.
Amendments adopted by the University Council at its meetings of 26 February 2009, 29 April 2010, 23 May 2013, 6 March 2014, 11 April 2019 and 30 May 2024.
Title of texts | Abbreviations |
General regulations governing the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes |
1.1. |
1.3. |
1.5. |
1.7. |
1.8. |
1.9. |
Name: | Version of: |
06.01.2021 |
09.06.2021 |
Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences and Public Administration (FDCA) |