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Study structure

This information is aimed specifically at UNIL students to help them prepare for teaching. They are given for information only. The admission requirements apply only to the Haute Ecole Pédagogique in the canton of Vaud. You are advised to consult the HEP-Vaud website for the most up-to-date information. For information on other HEPs, visit the website of the Swiss Conference of Rectors of Swiss Universities.

The route to becoming a teacher varies depending on the level at which you want to teach and the admission requirements of the Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud . While the opportunities for employment are still considerable, they depend on the subjects taught and, more specifically, how they fit into the school timetable. Your choice of subjects, minors or honours is therefore decisive for admission to the HEP-Vaud.

Secondary I (pupils aged 12 to 15, level 7-11 HarmoS)

University degree from UNIL with one, two or three subjects teachable at secondary I level. In the case of monodisciplinary training, at least 110 ECTS credits in a teachable discipline. In the case of multidisciplinary training, 60 credits in the first subject, 40 credits in the second subject and 20 credits in the third subject (except for natural sciences and physical education, which require 30 credits). You will then complete 120 ECTS credits of pedagogical training at HEP Vaud to obtain a Master's degree and Diploma in Teaching for Secondary I.

Teaching at secondary I without going to university

Since 2023, a new curriculum for teaching four subjects at secondary I level has been in place. The full course lasts 5 years. It begins with a Bachelor's degree in Secondary I teaching (180 ECTS credits) (3 years) and is completed by a Master's degree in Secondary I teaching (120 ECTS credits) (2 years). To follow this course, you must have a "maturité gymnasiale" certificate.

Secondary II (students aged 15 to 19, gymnasiums and vocational schools)

University Master's degree from UNIL with at least 120 ECTS credits in a teachable subject, including 30 in the Master's programme. You may add a secondary subject (minimum 90 credits, including 30 in a Master's degree). You will then complete your course with 60 ECTS credits of teacher training at HEP-VD to obtain a Diplôme d'enseignement (MAS) for Secondary II (except for the teaching of general culture).

Diploma in Teaching (MAS) for Secondary II (except for the teaching of general culture).

Teaching general culture

General culture is a subject taught at vocational colleges.

The training à l'teaching of this discipline is the responsibility of the Haute école fédérale en formation professionnelle (HEFP) . The Vocational Teacher Training Diploma for the Teaching of General Culture  is an on-the-job training course organised over three years. It is open to holders of a university Bachelor's or Master's degree, à certain conditions.

Teaching at pre-school and primary level?

To teach children aged 4 to 12, a Bachelor's degree in primary education from HEP Vaud is required. A university degree is therefore not necessary to teach at these levels.

Does my qualification give me access to the HEP?

The HEP-Vaud publishes on its website the list of UNIL Bachelors and Masters recognized for admission: Secondary I and Secondary II.

Some titles do not fully correspond to a teachable subject and require additional academic qualifications (in the same or another subject). When your application is processed, the HEP Vaud's Academic Service will examine whether your qualification meets the admis

Please note: it is possible that an equivalence analysis of your qualification may be necessary. If this is the case, you will need to validate your application online, on the HEP Vaud website , before 30 November. The content of your course will be analysed to determine whether it meets the requirements for admission. Make sure you give sufficient thought to your choice of subjects, minors or honours, to avoid postponing your admission to the HEP Vaud.