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Validation of acquired experience (VAE)

What is VAE?

Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) is a procedure that enables people to consider obtaining, in the form of equivalences, some of the so-called ECTS credits that make up a programme or a course.

In other words, during your years of work or study, you have developed a certain number of skills and acquired knowledge that you can use the VAE to obtain so-called ECTS credits.

How is VAE designed at UNIL?

VAE is part of the policy to promote equal opportunities. It is part of the perspective of lifelong learning, in a spirit of openness and respect for the principle of equal opportunities.

More and more countries in Europe and elsewhere are developing VAE. In Switzerland, the concept has become more widespread in recent years, especially in the context of vocational training.

The concept of VAE has become more widespread in recent years, especially in the context of vocational training.

Already, the University of Lausanne offers partial validation of prior learning for Bachelor's and Master's degree courses.

  1. In advance: I'm informed
  2. September 15: I request a preliminary opinion.
  3. November 15: I'm committing to VAE
  4. February 28: I submit my VAE application.
  5. On convocation: I present my project
  6. Academic start of term: I start my studies

Clarification regarding the VAE commitment: a fee of CHF 1,000. is required for each formal commitment to the VAE procedure.


The VAE advisor will support you through this process

Sophie Serry
+41 21 692 38 25

Not to be confused...

  • Admission without maturité: procedure (1) on the basis of an application or (2) by means of a preliminary admission examination for all persons interested in studying at UNIL who do not have a recognised qualification.
  • Course equivalences: procedure for granting equivalences for previous studies, completed or not, at or outside UNIL.
  • VAE: a process that allows students to obtain some of the credits that make up a programme or course of study, in the form of equivalences, by making use of their professional and voluntary experience.

It is possible for people to undertake the VAE at the same time as applying for admission to a Bachelor's degree without maturité.

It is also possible to combine different types of recognition of ECTS credits, such as course equivalences and VAE (see Directive 3.18).

The information contained on the unil vae pages is provided for information purposes only. Only the following reference texts are authentic: art. 77 and 78 RLUL. Detailed VAE framework: UNIL Directives 3.17, 3.18 and 3.2.