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Access and finances

Who can follow our courses?

The Centre de langues is a service provided by the University of de Lausanne, and the modules it provides are therefore exclusively for members of the UNIL university community. Students must have paid their UNIL matriculation fee.

Students who are taking a break in their studies (complete or partial) cannot follow our courses.

Certain non-UNIL students are eligible to follow our courses:

  • EPFL students are allowed to follow courses in languages which are not taught at EPFL (Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Swiss-German): Information and registrations (paying courses, "Other” fee)
  • Students at the Haute école pédagogique (HEP) de Lausanne: information and registrations (free of charge)
  • Members and teaching staff at the Haute école pédagogique (HEP) de Lausanne: information and registrations (paying courses, "Other" fee)
  • Members of the CHUV UNIL, only if they have a UNIL contract and status (course fees according to UNIL status)
  • The "listeners" (online registration using the details sent through UNIL email) – this status allows access to certain UNIL Faculty courses (conditions), and to follow Centre de langues modules should the timetable and level allow it (see here); please note: you are first a "listener" in a Faculty and then, if you wish, you can become a full participant in Language Center modules (paying courses, “Other” fees)

The Language Center is not open to students who are not enrolled at UNIL (students of other universities, HES, or UNIL alumni).

Registration (UNIL members)
Registration (HEP Students)
Registration (EPFL Students)

Course fees

Modules are free for undergraduate and postgraduate UNIL students. There is a fee for other members of UNIL.

The global fees are as follows (unless stated otherwise on the course page):

UNIL staff

Administration and technical staff, researchers, assistants (not doing a thesis), post-doctoral students…

  • Autumn semester / Spring semester
    • 3 et 4 periods (=module with EMA* integrated in the course structure) : CHF 342.-
    • 2 periods (=module without EMA* integretad in the course structure) : CHF 232.-
  • Winter intersemester: 30 periods : CHF 270.-
  • Summer intersemester:  40 periods : CHF 360.-

UNIL teaching staff, other

Lecturers, research tutors, professors, listeners, EPFL students (see conditions)

  • Autumn semester / Spring semester
    • 3 et 4 periods (=module with EMA* integretad in the course structure)  : CHF 456.-
    • 2 periods (=module without EMA* integrated in the course structure) : CHF 312.-
  • Winter intersemester: 30 periods : CHF 360.-
  • Summer intersemester:  40 periods : CHF 480.-

For courses which have a particular structure (independent learning, some intersemester modules, etc.): the fees are indicated on the corresponding course page of our website (under "Languages")

Participants must buy the course material and pay the registration fee to external examinations, where applicable.

* 1 period = 45 minutes / EMA = Multimedia Centre

Check the module you have signed up for to see whether it includes periods at the Multimedia Center

Free-access periods at the Multimedia Center (not registered periods – see here for the difference) are free (and so are not charged to people following courses which require them)


Module fees are payable within 10 days. Staggered payment is possible on request.

There is an CHF 80.- for cancelations received by email or announced to the Reception of the Language Center during the first two weeks of semester (or on the first day of an intensive course). Beyond this period the module fee is due in full, whatever reasons are given for quitting the course.