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UNIL internal resources

Why use a UNIL internal resource

  • For what: if you are experiencing or witnessing a difficult situation of any kind, in the context of your work or studies at UNIL
  • For whom: each service or entity responds to specific needs, depending on your status (students, intermediary staff, administrative and technical staff, professorial staff)
  • Services: specific to each entity
  • Conditions: free of charge and with levels of confidentiality and discretion that depend on the entity (see “Levels of confidentiality” below)

List of entities and contacts

Accueil Santé


  • Active listening
  • Assessment of distress
  • Tangible and emotional support
  • Referral to support structures within and outside UNIL
  • Documentation in the electronic patient record


Phone: +41 21 692 25 77

University of Lausanne
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
1015 Lausanne
Pages about health

Confidentiality: medical confidentiality



  • Welcomes everyone, regardless of their religious, sexual, cultural or political orientation
  • Offers a listening ear in a spirit of openness and non-judgment
  • Accompanies people in situations of identity crisis and questioning
  • Promotes the creation of friendships and the integration of students and doctoral students from other parts of the world
  • Takes into account the spiritual dimension of the person


Pages about spiritual life

Confidentiality: professional confidentiality

Equal Opportunities Office


  • Advises and informs members of the UNIL community on issues of gender equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Supports line managers who wish to implement projects to raise awareness of these issues
  • Organises awareness-raising events on these issues (for students, faculties, departments, etc.)
  • Offers training courses on these issues (existing or tailor-made, depending on needs).
  • Monitors good practices in the field


Phone: +41 21 692 20 59

University of Lausanne
Le Vieux Pressoir
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
1015 Lausanne

Pages about Equality, diversity and inclusion
Pages about specific help for families and parenting

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

Work and Study Climate Protection officer


  • Answers questions from employees and students about the Help|UNIL infrastructure and its resources
  • Forwards cases requiring attention to the appropriate department or entity to respond to the need and deal with the case
  • Transmits requests for complaints to the Rectorate
  • Receives the testimonies filed in the report form when the user chooses to forward them to the Officer and coordinates the handling of the case
  • Monitors the proper functioning of the Help|UNIL infrastructure and coordinates between the various entities involved


Phone. +41 21 692 20 57

University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

Accueil Santé


  • Active listening
  • Assessment of distress
  • Tangible and emotional support
  • Referral to support structures within and outside UNIL
  • Documentation in the electronic patient record


Phone: +41 21 692 25 77

University of Lausanne
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
1015 Lausanne
Web pages on health

Confidentiality: medical confidentiality

Psychotherapeutic consultation


  • First consultation free of charge for students, subsequent consultations reimbursed by regular health insurance
  • Consultation provided by experienced consultants, doctors and psychologists from the Unité d’accueil et d’interventions brèves of Lausanne University Hospital’s (CHUV) General Psychiatry Service, who have a campus office
  • Crisis follow-up and brief interventions
  • When necessary, a longer follow-up may be organised in agreement with the student
  • If the person who consults agrees to release them from medical confidentiality, the consultants can collaborate with the existing support network at UNIL and outside (LAVI, CHUV Violence medicine)


For an appointment :

Service des Affaires Sociales et Mobilité (SASME)
University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

Page about psychotherapeutic consultations for students

Confidentiality: Medical confidentiality



  • Welcomes everyone, regardless of their religious, sexual, cultural or political orientation
  • Offers a listening ear in a spirit of openness and non-judgment
  • Accompanies people in situations of identity crisis and questioning
  • Promotes the creation of friendships and the integration of students and doctoral students from other parts of the world
  • Takes into account the spiritual dimension of the person


Pages about spiritual life

Confidentiality: professional confidentiality

Equal Opportunities Office


  • Advises and informs members of the UNIL community on issues of gender equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Supports line managers who wish to implement projects to raise awareness of these issues
  • Organises awareness-raising events on these issues (for students, faculties, departments, etc.)
  • Offers training courses on these issues (existing or tailor-made, depending on needs).
  • Monitors good practices in the field


Phone: +41 21 692 20 59

University of Lausanne
Le Vieux Pressoir
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
1015 Lausanne

Pages about Equality, diversity and inclusion
Pages about specific help for families and parenting

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

FAE (the Federation of student associations)


  • The FAE is composed mainly of students at the service of other students
  • It offers free legal advice and assistance, as well as a safe listening space.
  • Redirects people who need professional support


Phone. +41 21 692 25 91

Confidentiality: within the legal framework (for the general secretary)

Work and Study Climate Protection officer


  • Answers questions from employees and students about the Help|UNIL infrastructure and its resources
  • Forwards cases requiring attention to the appropriate department or entity to respond to the need and deal with the case
  • Transmits requests for complaints to the Rectorate
  • Receives the testimonies filed in the report form when the user chooses to forward them to the Officer and coordinates the handling of the case
  • Monitors the proper functioning of the Help|UNIL infrastructure and coordinates between the various entities involved


Phone. +41 21 692 20 57

University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

Accueil Santé


  • Active listening
  • Assessment of distress
  • Tangible and emotional support
  • Referral to support structures within and outside UNIL
  • Documentation in the electronic patient record


Phone: +41 21 692 25 77

University of Lausanne
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: medical confidentiality

Infirmier·ère·s en santé au travail


  • Nursing and/or medical consultations in occupational health in connection with a deterioration in professional experience
  • Assessment, advice, guidance


Phone. +41 21 692 25 78

University of Lausanne
Quartier Sorge
Bâtiment Ephémère - Bureau 148 (à droite en entrant)
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: medical confidentiality

Psychotherapeutic consultation


  • First consultation free of charge for students, subsequent consultations reimbursed by regular health insurance
  • Consultation provided by experienced consultants, doctors and psychologists from the Unité d’accueil et d’interventions brèves of Lausanne University Hospital’s (CHUV) General Psychiatry Service, who have a campus office
  • Crisis follow-up and brief interventions
  • When necessary, a longer follow-up may be organised in agreement with the student
  • If the person who consults agrees to release them from medical confidentiality, the consultants can collaborate with the existing support network at UNIL and outside (LAVI, CHUV Violence medicine)


For an appointment :

Service des Affaires Sociales et Mobilité (SASME)
University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: Medical confidentiality



  • Welcomes everyone, regardless of their religious, sexual, cultural or political orientation
  • Offers a listening ear in a spirit of openness and non-judgment
  • Accompanies people in situations of identity crisis and questioning
  • Promotes the creation of friendships and the integration of students and doctoral students from other parts of the world
  • Takes into account the spiritual dimension of the person



Confidentiality: professional confidentiality

Equal Opportunities Office


  • Advises and informs members of the UNIL community on issues of gender equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Supports line managers who wish to implement projects to raise awareness of these issues
  • Organises awareness-raising events on these issues (for students, faculties, departments, etc.)
  • Offers training courses on these issues (existing or tailor-made, depending on needs).
  • Monitors good practices in the field


Phone: +41 21 692 20 59

University of Lausanne
Le Vieux Pressoir
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

Graduate Campus


  • Individual advice throughout the thesis, for example in case of conflict or absence of the thesis supervisor, in case of doubt about the progress of the thesis, or in search of information on the stages of the thesis or the training courses available
  • Support in identifying courses of action to advance the doctoral or post-doctoral project in the best possible conditions
  • Listening and individual advice in case of professional questioning in a precarious or conflictual environment
  • Listening and counselling for supervisors who face difficulties in supervising junior researchers.


Phone: +41 21 692 21 29

University of Lausanne
Bâtiment Unicentre
1015 Lausanne

By appointment only


Confidentiality: confidentiality within the legal framework*


ACIDUL (Association du corps intermédiaire et des doctorant·e·s de l'Université de Lausanne)


  • Actions in favour of doctoral students and intermediary staff (postdocs, lecturers, research managers, SNSF researchers, Mas, MERs, etc.) at UNIL, such as militant actions to improve their working conditions
  • Support and advice for members of the intermediary staff, in particular in the event of moral or sexual harassment in the workplace, inappropriate behaviour from professional relations, conflicts, discrimination (gender, race/origin, disability, religion, sexuality, age, etc.), difficulties linked to residence permits, unemployment benefits, maternity or paternity leave rights, etc.
  • Referral to the appropriate service to deal with a given situation
  • As a member of the Help|UNIL monitoring committee, ACIDUL represents the voice of doctoral students and members of the intermediary staff in the fight against harassment and discrimination on campus; it takes a critical look at the measures in place; it is a source of proposals thanks to its experience and its independence from the administrative and political authorities


Kelly Harrison (General Secretary)
Phone: +41 77 402 21 94
Reception by appointment

University of Lausanne
Anthropole, bureau 1197
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: confidentiality within the legal framework*

Work and Study Climate Protection officer


  • Answers questions from employees and students about the Help|UNIL infrastructure and its resources
  • Forwards cases requiring attention to the appropriate department or entity to respond to the need and deal with the case
  • Transmits requests for complaints to the Rectorate
  • Receives the testimonies filed in the report form when the user chooses to forward them to the Officer and coordinates the handling of the case
  • Monitors the proper functioning of the Help|UNIL infrastructure and coordinates between the various entities involved


Phone. +41 21 692 20 57

University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

Accueil Santé


  • Active listening
  • Assessment of distress
  • Tangible and emotional support
  • Referral to support structures within and outside UNIL
  • Documentation in the electronic patient record


Phone: +41 21 692 25 77

University of Lausanne
UNIL-Chamberonne District
1015 Lausanne
Web pages on health

Confidentiality: medical confidentiality

Workplace health nurses


  • Nursing and/or medical consultations in occupational health in connection with a deterioration in professional experience
  • Assessment, advice, guidance


Phone. +41 21 692 25 78

University of Lausanne
Sorge District
Ephémère building - Office 148 (on the right as you enter)
1015 Lausanne

Pages about health in the workplace

Confidentiality: medical confidentiality



  • Welcomes everyone, regardless of their religious, sexual, cultural or political orientation
  • Offers a listening ear in a spirit of openness and non-judgment
  • Accompanies people in situations of identity crisis and questioning
  • Promotes the creation of friendships and the integration of students and doctoral students from other parts of the world
  • Takes into account the spiritual dimension of the person


Pages about spiritual life

Confidentiality: professional confidentiality

Human Resources Department (SRH)


  • Provides listening support and receives testimonies from individuals who wish to report facts concerning UNIL personnel to the employer, related to attacks on personality;
  • Supports the UNIL Direction in determining individual, collective or organizational measures aimed at maintaining or restoring a working climate that respects the legal obligations of the employer and the UNIL’s values;
  • Provides support or guidance to staff members in resolving collaborative or managerial difficulties;
  • Ensures, in coordination with the heads of faculties or services, as well as external service providers (administrative investigations, work climate analyses, mediation, etc.), the application, implementation, and follow-up of individual, collective or organizational measures decided by the UNIL Direction in order to guarantee a respectful and serene work climate.


Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Theology and Religious Sciences (FTSR)
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (SSP)

Nathalie Joandel, Human Resources Manager
+41 21 692 45 14 

Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences and Public Administration (FDCA)
Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE)
Faculty of Business Administration (HEC Lausanne)

Elza Alexandra Gatto, Human Resources Manager
+41 21 692 45 28 

Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM)

Nina Barraz, Human Resources Manager
+41 21 692 45  01 

Departments of the Direction, Central Services and Formation Continue UNIL-EPFL (FCUE)

Martina Vilda, Human Resources Manager
+41 21 692 45 18 

Confidentialité: dans les limites du cadre légal*

Equal Opportunities Office


  • Advises and informs members of the UNIL community on issues of gender equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Supports line managers who wish to implement projects to raise awareness of these issues
  • Organises awareness-raising events on these issues (for students, faculties, departments, etc.)
  • Offers training courses on these issues (existing or tailor-made, depending on needs).
  • Monitors good practices in the field


Phone: +41 21 692 20 59

University of Lausanne
Le Vieux Pressoir
UNIL-Chamberonne District
1015 Lausanne

Pages about Equality, diversity and inclusion
Pages about specific help for families and parenting

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

CoPers (Personnel Committee)


  • At the CoPers Office, five people from each of the professional bodies of UNIL (academic, administrative/technical staff, intermediary staff, professorial staff) are available to take your suggestions and receive your complaints in complete discretion.
  • Any employee can submit a problem or an idea to the Office. These messages will be discussed in committee and, if necessary, during one of the regular meetings between the CoPers and the Rectorate.
  • Any proposal or problem will be discussed, in your presence if you wish. The Office will keep you informed.



Personnel Committee (CoPers) page

Confidentiality: confidentiality within the legal framework*

Work and Study Climate Protection officer


  • Answers questions from employees and students about the Help|UNIL infrastructure and its resources
  • Forwards cases requiring attention to the appropriate department or entity to respond to the need and deal with the case
  • Transmits requests for complaints to the Rectorate
  • Receives the testimonies filed in the report form when the user chooses to forward them to the Officer and coordinates the handling of the case
  • Monitors the proper functioning of the Help|UNIL infrastructure and coordinates between the various entities involved


Phone. +41 21 692 20 57

University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

Accueil Santé


  • Active listening
  • Assessment of distress
  • Tangible and emotional support
  • Referral to support structures within and outside UNIL
  • Documentation in the electronic patient record


Phone: +41 21 692 25 77

University of Lausanne
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: medical confidentiality



  • Welcomes everyone, regardless of their religious, sexual, cultural or political orientation
  • Offers a listening ear in a spirit of openness and non-judgment
  • Accompanies people in situations of identity crisis and questioning
  • Promotes the creation of friendships and the integration of students and doctoral students from other parts of the world
  • Takes into account the spiritual dimension of the person


Pages web

Confidentiality: professional confidentiality

Work and Study Climate Protection officer


  • Answers questions from employees and students about the Help|UNIL infrastructure and its resources
  • Forwards cases requiring attention to the appropriate department or entity to respond to the need and deal with the case
  • Transmits requests for complaints to the Rectorate
  • Receives the testimonies filed in the report form when the user chooses to forward them to the Officer and coordinates the handling of the case
  • Monitors the proper functioning of the Help|UNIL infrastructure and coordinates between the various entities involved


Phone. +41 21 692 20 57

University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

Confidentiality: within the legal framework*

*Levels of confidentiality

Any person employed by UNIL or an entity attached to it has a duty to inform the Rectorate of serious cases that may be qualified as violations of personal rights (such as cases of sexual harassment) in accordance with Article 321a of the Code of Obligations, in order to enable the Rectorate to take action: the Rectorate has an obligation to take measures by virtue of its duty to act as an employer and is the only one entitled to do so.

Only entities subject to medical and professional confidentiality can guarantee total confidentiality.

If you wish to be guaranteed confidentiality in the first instance, you may contact a person of trust.