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UNIL Masters scholarships

UNIL awards around ten excellence scholarships each year, exclusively to students who have graduated from a foreign university and whose academic results are of a very high standard.


The scholarship is granted for the minimum statutory period of the programme chosen by the student. It amounts to CHF 1,600 (for more details, please refer to General conditions for the award of a Master's Excellence Scholarship, Article 10).

Candidates are made aware of the fact that the sum of the scholarship awarded is not sufficient to live in Switzerland. It is not a fully funded scholarship.

With regard to this, we invite candidates to consult the page about the reference budget of a student at UNIL.

Students offered a scholarship will be exempt from the fixed registration fees for the courses, with the exception of the CHF 80.00 fees to be paid each semester.

The list of all master’s degrees at UNIL for which it is possible to apply, can be found here.

It is however not possible to apply for the following master programmes:

  • Master from the School of Medicine
  • Master in Sciences and Practices of Education
  • Master of Law. Exceptions: Open to applications for Masters Scholarships : Specialisms "International and Comparative Law", "Legal Theory" and "International Tax Law and Policy"
  • Master of Science in Physical Education and Sport Didactics
  • Master of Science in Health Sciences
  • Master of Science in Sustainable Management & Technology
  • Master of Science in Human Taphonomy
  • All MASs (3rd cycle programmes, Further Education programmes)

Additional requirements:

  • For the Master's in psychology programme: students holding a foreign Bachelor in psychology must have obtained a place of study for a master in psychology at a university in the country where the bachelor was awarded.
  • For the Master's in Finance programme: students with a foreign Bachelor's degree in the same subject area must have proof that they have obtained a place to study for a Master's in Finance at a university in the country where the Bachelor's degree was awarded.
  • To have obtained a foreign university degree considered equivalent to a Swiss university bachelor before the beginning of the masters programme at UNIL.
  • To have distinguished yourself during your studies, especially through particularly brilliant academic results.
  • To have a language level of at least C1 (according to the European Language Portfolio global scale) in French or at least C1 in English according to the language in which your chosen master is taught (to check on the programme's page).
  • Not to be registered at UNIL
  • To have paid the CHF 200.00 Administrative fees (see document, "list of documents for an application").

Withdrawal from the master programme will lead to the suspension of the scholarship.

  • The application form for the Masters Scholarship also serves as an application for admission to the chosen Master's program (and hence as a matriculation form at UNIL): you therefore do not need to apply for the master’s degree at the Admission Office (SII) of UNIL.
  • Candidates for the Masters Scholarship must apply online and upload their complete application file in PDF during the online application (refer to the document below, "list of documents for an application").
    • Application files in PDF sent by email and incomplete application files will not be considered.
  • Additionally, for candidates with a bachelor issued from a university based in a State which did not ratify the Lisbon Recognition Convention: a certified copy of the university documents, certified by the university, in a sealed envelope of the university has to be sent by postal mail.
    • Please consult the procedure to follow regarding the certified copies (see information in the blue box).The sealed envelope with the certified copies of the university must be sent to the following addresswithin the deadline of November 1st (post mark), but only if the online application was filled in and sent successfully.

      Université de Lausanne
      Service des affaires sociales et de la mobilité étudiante (SASME)
      Bâtiment Unicentre
      CH - 1015 Lausanne
  • Candidates with a bachelor issued from a university based in a State which did ratify the Lisbon Recognition Convention must not send certified copies by postal mail.
  • The deadline for an application is November 1st to begin a master’s degree during the following academic year, in the autumn semester or the spring semester (if the programme allows). The online application must be sent until that date. For the certified copies in a sealed envelope of the university (if required) the date of the post mark will attest to the date sent (last deadline November 1st).
  • Incomplete application files will not be considered! (Particularly those lacking the certified copies of the university documents in a sealed envelope of the university, if required)
  • 1 November: Application deadline
  • November to December: Processing of applications by SASME and the Admissions Office (SII)
  • December to January: The SASME informs candidates whose application is incomplete or has not been accepted by the Admissions Office that their application for the scholarship has been unsuccessful.
  • January to February: Complete applications are transferred to the faculties for consideration of their eligibility for the chosen master’s degrees.
  • February to March: The SASME informs candidates whose application has not been accepted by the faculty.
  • March: The Selection Board for the Masters Scholarships selects the candidates who will be offered a Masters Scholarship.
  • Early April: Candidates are informed of the Selection Board's decision.

NB: Decisions may not be appealed!

Documents / other resources

Online registration

The application for the academic year 2025/2026 is closed. The application for the academic year 2026/2027 will open in September 2025 and the deadline will be 1 November 2025.


By email only at:

Please note: there will be no response to questions where the answers are available on our website, and in the FAQs in particular.


Candidates whose academic results are of a very high level (there is no list with required grades by country available).

Candidates must have graduated from a foreign university only: their qualification/university degree must be deemed equivalent to a Swiss university bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS credits). If the Masters Scholarship application file is complete, the Admissions Office (SII) will decide if the candidate is formally eligible. If this is the case, the application file will be forwarded to the faculty which will take a decision whether the candidate is admitted to the chosen master programme or not.

Students with a foreign university degree who have already begun a Masters programme at UNIL or who are in their preparatory year are not authorised to apply.

There is no age limit to apply for the Master Scholarship. However, for candidates from countries subject to visa restrictions, a higher age as well as a completed first master’s degree may have an influence on the obtention of a visa (difficult or impossible to obtain). We recommend verifying with the Swiss diplomatic representation in your country before applying.

As explained above, candidates must not apply via the Admissions Office (SII) for their application for admission to the chosen master’s degree at UNIL. The application for the Masters Scholarship also serves as an application for admission to the Masters programme.

As indicated above under the “Selection deadlines” tab, it is only after the selection process for the Masters Scholarships that candidates whose application for a scholarship has been unsuccessful (but was accepted by the faculty) can apply via the SII should they wish to continue their application for admission to their chosen master’s degree as a regular student. They will receive a letter explaining the process to follow for normal registration for the master’s degree.

Yes, you may apply for a Masters Scholarship even if you have not yet obtained your degree equivalent to a Swiss university bachelor’s degree at the time of application. Nonetheless, you must of course have completed and obtained your degree before the start of your chosen master’s programme at UNIL.

If you are in the process of obtaining your university degree, you must provide in your application all existing grade transcripts as well as a description of the remainder of your course until you obtain your final degree, including the list of modules to be followed, the number of credits to be obtained or, for example, the subject of the end of course dissertation you are working on, depending on the structure of your degree course. This description must be as precise as possible. This does not need to be an official document.

If you have obtained the degree corresponding to a Swiss university bachelor’s degree at the moment of application for the scholarship but not yet received the final diploma, you must provide us with at least an official certificate of success in the degree course (with the remark degree obtained, graduated), signed by the institution that awarded it.

Students who have already obtained a master’s level degree from a foreign university (or are about to obtain one at the time of application) also have the right to apply, although priority will be given to students who only hold a bachelor’s level degree.

For candidates from countries subject to visa restrictions, a higher age as well as a completed first master’s degree may have an influence on the obtention of a visa (difficult or impossible to obtain). We recommend verifying with the Swiss diplomatic representation in your country before applying.

Students who have already obtained a degree considered equivalent to a Swiss university bachelor’s degree and are in the process of following an additional course of study (a masters, for example) or a second bachelor’s degree at the time of application for the Masters Scholarship, at the same institution or at another foreign university, must also specify this on the online application form and provide us with all existing grade transcripts for the course as well as a detailed description of the remainder of the programme until they obtain their final degree.

Candidates with a bachelor issued from a university based in a State which did not ratify the Lisbon Recognition Convention  have to send by postal mail (additionally to the PDF file uploaded during the online application) a certified copy of the university documents (diploma(s) if already obtained and the grade transcripts), certified by the university, in a sealed envelope of the universityPlease consult the procedure to follow regarding the certified copies (see information in the blue box!).

If you have questions regarding the certified copies (after having read all the information on the links provided above) you can write to:

Candidates with a bachelor issued from a university based in a State which did ratify the Lisbon Recognition Convention  must not send certified copies by postal mail. The copies they upload during the online application will be sufficient.

Any member of the teaching staff with knowledge of your past or present studies (lecturers, supervisors, assistant lecturers, etc.). Any of your current or former employers may also write a letter of recommendation.

The recommendation letters must be sent directly by their authors (mentioning the name full name of the applicant) by email to: from a professional email address (not from a private one). It is of course possible to provide more than two letters of recommendation.

Only recommendation letters sent after an online application will be accepted!

Final deadline: November 1st.

This is the fee for processing and considering your application for admission to the master’s programme by the Admissions Office (SII). This fee must be paid by all students wishing to register at UNIL.

The Administrative Fees must be paid and the proof of payment (copy of the bank transfer receipt, for example), added to your application for the Masters Scholarship.

We can make no exceptions for the payment of this administrative fees. No refunds can be made, even where applications are withdrawn or refused.

Nonetheless, if your application for the Masters Scholarship is unsuccessful but you are admitted to the intended master’s programme and wish to register as a regular student, you will not have to pay this fee a second time.

The Federal and Cantonal Authorities consider that an amount of approximately CHF 2000.- per month is necessary to live in Lausanne. As such, the amount of the Masters Scholarship does not cover the full expenses of a student. It is thus highly recommended to have some personal complementary financial ressources in order to supplement the monthly budget.

Nonetheless, UNIL guarantees to all Master's grantees an accommodation with the Student Housing Foundation of Lausanne (FMEL) The rent has to be paid by the student, but the amount is reasonable in comparison with the prices of the private housing market in the Lausanne region. Plus, international students at UNIL can either have their European health insurance recognized or buy a special health insurance (for students from other countries) which is also cheaper than the ones that are paid by Swiss students.

To attend UNIL’s courses the recommended linguistic level is C1 in French for the master programmes taught in French and C1 in English for the master programmes taught in English. Please verify the teaching language of the master programme chosen on the website of the programme.

For a master taught in ENGLISH

For applicants whose mother tongue is not English or whose Bachelor’s degree was not taught in English, a level of C1 minimum should be attained and a language certificate is required for the master’s grants. Following degrees are accepted:

  • TOEFL CBT: 250 points
  • TOEFL IBT: 100 points
  • TOEFL PBT: 600 points;
  • Academic IELTS: 7 points
  • Cambridge English Advanced (CAE): Grade B
  • Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE): Grade C
  • TOEIC: 850 points

Please add a copy of the language certificate or a confirmation that you have obtained the certificate to your application file (if required). The diploma should not be older then 2 years.

For a master taught in FRENCH

For applicant whose mother tongue is not French or whose Bachelor’s degree was not taught in French, a level of C1 minimum should be attained and a language certificate is required for the master’s grants. Following degrees are accepted:

  • Diplôme approfondi de langue française (DALF Tout public) level C1
  • Diplôme approfondi de langue française (DALF Tout public) level C2
  • Test de connaissance du français (TCF Tout public) level C1 or higher
  • Certificat de qualification en français (degrés C1) from the Course of Le Fil de l’UNIL
  • European Language Certificate (TELC) level C1

Please add a copy of the language certificate or a confirmation that you have obtained the certificate to your application file (if required). The diploma should not be older than 2 years.

If the master programme chosen at UNIL is taught in the mother tongue of the candidate or the bachelor studies were taught in the language of the master programme chosen at UNIL, no language certificate is required!