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Our EDI commitments

UNIL intentions plan

The Plan of Intentions sets out the strategic directions of UNIL's management for the duration of its term of office, from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2026. It is structured around six major issues, including equality, diversity and inclusion.

EDI Action Plan 2022-2026

The UNIL Action Plan for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 2022-2026 marks a significant departure from previous periods. While continuing efforts to promote equality between women and men, it incorporates new areas of intervention. It highlights measures designed to improve reception, visibility, inclusion and working and study conditions for everyone, regardless of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, social or ethnic origin, culture or whether or not they have a disability.  

This new action plan is based on four general principles: 

  • Intersectionality - The priorities, axes, objectives and measures proposed in the action plan must be defined using an intersectional approach to the inequalities and discrimination that exist in our society. The action plan must be developed using an intersectional approach to the inequalities and discrimination it aims to combat, so that one issue (such as equality between women and men) is not overlooked in favour of another (the fight against racism, for example). We therefore refer to this intersectional approach as equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
  • Involvement of all  - The complexity and diversity of the issues requires the involvement and commitment of all UNIL staff, at all hierarchical levels, as well as the various faculties and departments.
  • Collaboration with the city - Efforts to promote equality and inclusion are being carried out by various other public authorities. Stronger collaboration with the Canton (via the Cantonal office for gender equality) and the neighbouring communes, in which members of the UNIL community live, would thus be an opportunity for the university to anchor itself in a regional public policy.
  • A strong EDI network at universities - For more than 20 years, Swiss universities have been developing measures to promote equal opportunities, led in particular by the equal opportunities offices and services. The latter have formed a collaborative network, giving rise to a number of joint projects. This network must be maintained and expanded to include UAS and HEP.

Priorities and actions

  • Training and guide on inclusive communication
  • Support for immigrants or people affected by asylum in the pursuit of their studies or careers
  • Training teachers in tools to promote EDI in teaching
  • Encouragement of facilities and units promoting academic research from non-Western countries
  • Surveys on work and study climate, teaching load and monitoring of gender statistics
  • Annual publication of the results of the analysis of the salary situation at UNIL
  • Promotion of parity in decision-making bodies at all levels
  • Allocation of resources to faculties for the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion


Equality, Diversity and Careers Department

Since 1 August 2021, the Equality, Diversity and Careers Department, headed by Vice-Rector and Professor Liliane Michalik, has been responsible for issues relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Legal basis

The promotion of humanitarianism is anchored in legal foundations at the level of the Confederation, the canton of Vaud and the University.

Links and documents