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Research Department (SR)

The Research Department provides researchers with support throughout their research projects, working closely with the seven Faculties.


The Research Department helps ensure that researchers at UNIL enjoy optimal framework conditions for carrying out their research projects, while respecting disciplinary diversity. Its vision is to become a crucial player in providing guidance, finding solutions, developing shared solutions and circulating information on research resources and developments.

If you have any questions about funding opportunities, Open Access publication options or questions about ethics and interests, we are here to help. We coordinate the research support network and will be able to direct you to the right contacts for all your questions about your research projects.



The Research Department, in collaboration with the research support staff of the seven Faculties, can help researchers find funding for their research projects and guide them through the pre-award, contracting, financial and reporting (post-award) processes.

Find out more about research funding

Public procurement

If you are looking to purchase equipment or order services as part of your research projects, the Research Department's public procurement unit can support you throughout the process. Please contact us at

Find out more about public procurement


UNIL researchers and students may submit their projects to research ethics committees if they so wish, or if funding or publication bodies so require. The Research Department coordinates UNIL's ethics committees and assists them in their work.

Find out more about professional ethics

Open Science

The Research Department helps to establish and revise the institutional vision and strategy for Open Access and Open Science. It also coordinates the players involved in supporting Open Access and provides a range of resources to help them and researchers with their Open Access publication projects.

IT tools for research

The Research Department is an active player in the field of artificial intelligence for research. It is also the ORCID institutional contact point and develops IT tools for research, in particular the future UNIL research information system, IRIS.

Research training

The Research Department provides training to support research-related activities. It also lists the courses offered at UNIL on the same topic and provides a comprehensive overview of training courses designed to diversify the skills of UNIL researchers. These courses are free and accessible, and have been designed to support researchers throughout their research projects.

Practical information


Opening hours

Our offices are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. We recommend that you make an appointment to ensure that the person you need is available, either by e-mailing or by contacting them directly (see Members of the department).

Main address

Amphipôle Building
1015 Lausanne

Office 351.1
Office 351.2
Office 353.1
Office 355

Other addresses

Bugnon 21, 1015 Lausanne

Access, parking and delivery


Members of the department


Julian Randall, PhD
Julian Randall, PhD
Micaela Crespo, PhD
Micaela Crespo, PhD
Lucia Couto
Lucia Couto

Communication, IT and responsible research

Micaela Crespo, PhD
Micaela Crespo, PhD
  • Head of Communications, IT and responsible research

    Head of Open Access UNIL

    Amphipôle 353.1
    +41 21 692 20 81

Maëlle Desard
Maëlle Desard
  • Communications and community officer

    Amphipôle 353.1
    +41 21 692 60 37
    Not available on Fridays

Thé Van Luong, PhD
Thé Van Luong, PhD
  • Head of AI and information systems for research

    Amphipôle 353.1
    +41 21 692 60 42

Véronique Longchamp
Véronique Longchamp

Funders and finances

Julian Randall, PhD
Julian Randall, PhD
Eliane Abou-Mansour, PhD
Eliane Abou-Mansour, PhD
Rolande Tardy PhD
Rolande Tardy, PhD
Anne-Emmanuelle de Crousaz, MA
Anne-Emmanuelle de Crousaz, MA
Aurélie Brehmer, Dipl.-Ing. ENSAIA
Aurélie Brehmer, Dipl.-Ing. ENSAIA
  • European programmes: Euresearch

    Amphipôle 351.2
    +41 21692 60 80
    Not available on Fridays

Claire Arnold, PhD
Claire Arnold, PhD
Anne-Christine Butty, PhD
Anne-Christine Butty, PhD
Zohra El Masbahi
Zohra El Masbahi
  • Public Procurement Research

    +41 21 692 60 41
    Not available on Fridays