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Human Resources Department (SRH)

The Human Resources Department supports the UNIL Recrorate in the development and deployment of its HR policies. HR services are provided in coordination with the Faculties and Rectorate departments.


The Human Resources Department works on behalf of the Rectorate to propose, develop and implement UNIL's HR policies, in line with its missions, needs, normative framework and characteristics, while ensuring the availability of tools and embedding the HR culture. It is responsible for staff administration and provides specialised support and advice to the Faculties, the Rectorate and its departments in resolving specific individual, collective and organisational HR issues.



Human resources strategy and advice

  • Propose and develop HR management policies, such as internal HR directives
  • Support the Rectorate in determining individual, collective or organisational measures aimed at maintaining or restoring a working environment that complies with the employer's statutory obligations and UNIL's values

Support for the Rectorate, departments and Faculties

  • Support decision-making by employer representatives and assist with all HR management issues
  • Support all phases of recruitment: validation of language and IT skills, follow-up of offers and contract management
  • Deploy and apply HR management policies
  • Respond to the specific needs of Faculties, the Rectorate and its departments, and affiliated foundations
  • Manage and coordinate apprenticeships
  • Monitor HR needs, participate in the changes required and implement the corresponding measures

Manage and monitor employees with the organisational units


  • Manage and provide support for sensitive situations and apply measures that contribute to a peaceful working environment in line with UNIL's values
  • Make sure that HR administrative management is adequate and compliant, and monitor individuals throughout their career at UNIL
  • Propose ad hoc solutions to specific individual or administrative situations in line with UNIL policies, standards and values

Organisational support for Faculties and departments

  • Develop and implement HR policies
  • Support UNIL entities in defining and developing their organisational needs and support their deployment, ensuring the consistency and effectiveness of organisational models
  • Develop and provide access to HR tools

Job classification

  • Analyse and evaluate administrative and technical staff job levels
  • Guarantee internal consistency

Management of UNIL staff remuneration

  • Manage payroll for all staff
  • Manage social insurance in accordance with current policies and standards
  • Participate in the development of remuneration policies and tools
  • Produce and analyse HR data and statistics

Find out more about remuneration and social insurance

Legal support for employers

The Human Resources department offers expertise in the following areas of law:

  • Employment law
  • Application of the normative framework governing staff management and its development
  • Sensitive, complex or contentious HR situations
  • Changes in HR policies and tools, and adjustments to framework working conditions
  • Case examination, compliance of procedures and approval of related actions by providing coordination services, legal advice and management of legal issues
  • Representation of the institution before legal bodies
  • Analysis and advice on the legal aspects of projects

Support for HR systems, tools and data

  • Support the management of activities and delivery of HR services
  • Develop and provide access to management systems, processes, tools and reference documents and ensure they are adapted and optimised on an ongoing basis
  • Implement HR policies and standards for the performance of staff activities and ensure they are adapted, developed and updated
  • Manage the availability and dissemination of HR data, in compliance with statutory and institutional standards
Access to tools

Employer brand development

  • Support the development, coordination and deployment of UNIL's employer communications and brand
  • Contribute to the development and deployment of UNIL's employer communications strategy (internal and external) and coordinate the scheme
  • Contribute to the development of HR policies that help strengthen the attractiveness of UNIL as an employer

Staff skills development

  • Contribute to the development, coordination and deployment of policies and measures for the development of staff skills and careers, including learning and training
  • Support the Faculties and the Rectorate and its departments in the development of staff training measures and the tools needed to implement them

Sending a document

Documents can be sent electronically using the forms available for contacting the HR manager in charge of your Faculty or department, but you can also send your documents by post or drop them off via the dedicated mailbox at the Château de Dorigny.

Contact an HR manager

Your HR partner in your Faculty or department is your main contact at UNIL for any questions you may have.

Practical information

Call centre opening hours

Main address

Human Resources Department
Château de Dorigny
CH-1015 Lausanne

Access, parking and delivery

Chateau de Dorigny

Members of the department


Étienne Fivat
Etienne Fivat
  • Head of Human Resources Department


Daniela Nusslé
Daniela Nusslé
  • Executive assistant

Human Resources Legal Department

Mathilde Portier
Mathilde Portier
  • Head of the Human Resources Legal Department

Daniela Nusslé
Daniela Nusslé
  • Legal assistant

Marketing and Staff Development

Elena Musio
Elena Musio
  • Employer communications Manager

Romain Mottier
Romain Mottier
  • HR and talent development projects assistant

Dana Mollard
Dana Mollard
  • Project assistant

HR Management

Mathieu Gasparini
Mathieu Gasparini
  • HR management Manager


Nina Barraz
Nina Barraz
  • HR manager

Julia Willommet
Julia Willommet
  • Specialised HR manager

Tomislav Cackovic
Tomislav Cackovic
  • Specialised HR manager

Blerta Berisha
Blerta Berisha
  • HR assistant


Silvana Giamboi
Silvana Giamboi
  • HR adviser

Catherine Disdier
Catherine Disdier
  • HR assistant

Samuel Favre
Samuel Favre
  • HR assistant

Marcia Ferreira
Marcia Ferreira
  • HR assistant

Tanya Silvestri
Tanya Silvestri
  • HR assistant

HR Unit SSP lettres FTSR

Nathalie Joandel
Nathalie Joandel
  • HR manager

Sandrine Burnier
Sandrine Burnier
  • HR adviser

Maude Pouly
Maude Pouly
  • HR assistant

Alexandra das Neves
Alexandra das Neves
  • HR assistant

Amandine Perez
Amandine Perez
  • HR assistant

Diana Costa Marques
Diana Costa Marques
  • HR assistant

HR Unit Rectorate and central services


Nadia Fauth
Nadia Fauth
  • Apprenticeship trainer, apprenticeship support and HR assistant

Jeanne-Marie Suzana
Jeanne-Marie Suzana
  • Apprentice commercial employee

Payroll and Social Insurance

Luis Miguel Lopez
Luis Miguel Lopez
  • Remuneration Manager

Mauro Pochinu
Mauro Pochinu
  • Assistant manager and salary specialist

Oumou Coulibaly
Oumou Coulibaly
  • Salary specialist

Christophe Rohrbach
Christophe Rohrbach
  • Salary specialist

HR Systems Development Centre

Serafino Gagliardi
Serafino Gagliardi
  • HR Systems Development Manager

Virginia Guex
Virginia Guex
  • HR specialist

Thomas Perraudin
Thomas Perraudin
  • IT coordinator and business manager

Louis Bonard
Louis Bonard
  • Scanning operator

Organisational Development

Christel Nerny
Christel Nerny
  • Organisational Development Manager

Caroline Rochani
Caroline Rochani
  • Assistant manager & HR specialist in organisational development

David Germano
David Germano
  • HR specialist in organisational development

Marina Petracca
Marina Petracca
  • HR specialist in organisational development

Marjolaine Renirkens
Marjolaine Renirkens
  • HR specialist in organisational development

Jonas Rime
Jonas Rime
  • HR specialist in organisational development