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The Equality Office publications listed below deal with different aspects of EDI at the University of Lausanne.

These publications are available in PDF format or in hard copy (order by e-mail from the Bureau de l'égalité:

Equality Office publications

At the end of the 1990s, the political and academic authorities began to express concern about the low proportion of women professors (7%). The measures taken from 2000 onwards, under the impetus of the Federal Government's Equal Opportunities Programme, have produced positive results.

Inaugurated in 2015, the monitoring of equality at the University of Lausanne acts as a compass for the institution's actions in this area. An in-depth analysis of the gender balance in the various bodies, functions, bodies and faculties of the University highlights the seriousness of the problem; highlights the situation at UNIL with regard to gender equality, the obstacles encountered and the progress made. Progress that has not come about by chance, but by the policy of promoting academic excellence that UNIL has been pursuing for many years.

Today, women are widely present in universities, particularly among the student body and administrative and technical staff. However, their numbers fall sharply as they move up the career ladder, particularly in the academic hierarchies. This observation of vertical separation applies to Swiss, European and American universities. At UNIL, in 2019, women made up 51.5% of graduate assistants, but only 22.1% of ordinary professors.

In addition to this phenomenon, there is also that of horizontal segregation, i.e. the unequal representation of men and women in the various disciplines. Thus, in 2019, there were 53.3% women among the academic staff of the Faculté des Lettres (all hierarchical degrees combined) and only 32% in the Faculté des HEC.

The definite, but too slow, progress of recent years shows this: it is essential to continue measures to promote academic excellence.

The aim of this guide is to provide doctoral students at the University of Lausanne with advice on how to successfully complete the various stages of a thesis. It is also intended for those who are hesitant about embarking on a doctorate. They will find information to help them make their decision.

Inaugurated in 2015, the monitoring of gender equality at the University of Lausanne acts as a compass for the institution's actions in this area. An in-depth analysis of the gender balance in the various bodies, functions, bodies and faculties of the University highlights the seriousness of the problem; highlights the situation at UNIL with regard to gender equality, the obstacles encountered and the progress made. This progress has not come about by chance, but as a result of the policy of promoting academic excellence that UNIL has been pursuing for many years.

After the 2015 monitoring, this report is the second of its kind. Like its predecessor, it is the result of collaboration with the UNISIS Information and Statistics Service.

What changes have we seen over the last two years? While the gender balance in management positions (heads of department, management and directors) remains stable at around 80% men, a female Rector, Nouria Hernandez, is the head of the institution for the first time since 2016. Supporting the career development of women, administrative and technical staff as well as academic staff, remains one of the central areas of the Bureau de l’égalité;s action.

Doctoral assistants still make up the vast majority of the academic staff, and their proportion has risen sharply in the Faculty of Biology and Medicine. On the other hand, the proportion of women among postdocs and type 1 teaching and research professors has fallen slightly, with men occupying 7 out of 10 of the latter posts.

The number of women in the Faculty of Biology and Medicine has risen sharply in recent years.

And at faculty level, the féminisation of which is one of the flagship objectives of UNIL's Plan d’action pour l’galité entre femmes et hommes 2017-2020, the increase in the proportion of women in stable professorial positions continues, albeit slowly. However, the proportion of women among assistant professors has been falling steadily since 2014. The proportion of women professors as a whole has increased since 2015, and now stands at a quarter. Above all, the rate of recruitment of women professors has climbed from 32.7% to 37.5%, coming close to the target of 40% set in the Action Plan.

At the same time, the number of women professors has risen from 32.7% to 37.5%.

It is still too early to measure the effect of the new monitoring égalité of faculty recruitment committees, introduced at the end of 2017 and carried out by an·e expert·e from the Office of égalité : this will be done in the next monitoring report. The next report should also include the measurement of employee productivity at UNIL.

Beyond this report, an interactive view of the various indicators is available on this page. We hope you enjoy your reading and your visit!

At Swiss universities and colleges of higher education, women are still largely under-represented among professors, despite the presence of a large pool of highly qualified young women. In its Action Plan for Gender Equality 2017-2020, the University of Lausanne has set itself the target of having at least 40% of newly recruited professors be women.

In order to contribute to the objective of appointing more women professors, the Equality Office has just published a brochure aimed at those involved in planning professorial posts and in recruitment. It summarises the key issues and best practice in equal opportunities recruitment. 

The brochure has been drawn up on the basis of recent scientific research findings and complements the toolkit already published online. It is also available in English and can be ordered by e-mail from

Recruiting without discrimination is not only a legal obligation, but also a question of institutional efficiency: only recruitment that respects equal opportunities can ensure that the best person is found for the job.

Guide for the UNIL community

Proposed by the Equality Office in collaboration with UNICOM.

Equality is an integral part of UNIL's identity. Institutionalised under the impetus of the Equal Opportunities Federal Government Programme, the promotion of equality between women and men is strongly supported by the management.

The new 2017-2020 action plan develops the Directorate's strategic vision and sets out objectives and measures to achieve a more equal representation of men and women à UNIL. The brochure opposite gives you an overview of these objectives and measures.

The University of Lausanne has long been committed to gender equality. Until now, however, it has lacked a reliable and precise steering tool.

With the monitoring of the galaxy, this gap has now been filled: The in-depth analysis of the gender balance at UNIL will act as a compass for the institution's policies, particularly in the context of the University of Lausanne's new Gender Equality Action Plan (2017-2020).

How do you manage your study time after the birth of a child? Who can look after your children? What are the different types of leave for parents at UNIL? How do they affect the duration of contracts?

The guide « Être parent à l’UNIL » gathers information, advice and useful addresses to answer à these questions.

What's the best way to promote work-life balance at UNIL? To find out, the Bureau de l'égalit;, in collaboration with FORS, has conducted a survey.

The Equality Office, in collaboration with FORS, has conducted a survey to find out.

Getting your thesis off to a good start is a guide aimed at all PhD students or students tempted by an academic career.It contains practical advice interspersed with more analytical passages on the doctoral career and academic excellence.

Beyond the Doctorate is a guide based on the experience of the Réseau romand de mentoring and is aimed at people nearing the end of their doctoral thesis or starting their post-doctoral career.

It alternates between practical advice and more analytical passages on the subject of the post-doctoral career path and equity as a cross-cutting dimension.

Are you a parent working or studying at UNIL? This flyer is for you!

Gathering together all the useful addresses, it informs you in the blink of an eye about:

  • childcare options
  • various parental leave options for staff.
  • parental benefits for the Bureau de l’égalité.

Results of the study on administrative and technical staff (PAT) at the University

The study on PAT comprises two parts:

  • a questionnaire survey, which establishes the profile of this category of non-academic staff in terms of gender, age, qualifications, sector of activity, occupation rate, family situation, professional position, level of income, horizontal and vertical mobility, promotion, participation in continuing training, level of information.
  • an analysis of selected female and male trajectories in three different sectors of activity. It uncovers a number of ways in which men's and women's careers differ, and identifies levers and obstacles for upwardly mobile careers. It also contains recommendations for the promotion of a gender equality policy for male and female administrative and technical staff at UNIL.

With this study, the Bureau de l'galité aims to provide avenues for a human resources and staff development policy concerned with promoting galité  

Ten years of service to the galaxy

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the first federal programme for equal opportunities at universities, the equal opportunities offices of the universities and colleges of Latin Switzerland (BULA) are taking time out to reflect.

This is an opportunity to take stock of activities, review the issues at stake and identify the challenges still to be met.

The BULA has enabled the various government departments to work together in a spirit of collaboration, exchange and exchange of ideas, in order to better meet the challenges of the future;eacute;galit; which cannot be confined to a single region or a single institution.

A free, user-friendly tool to promote equality between women and men through actions focused on management and personnel management. management and personnel management.

For more information: 

How to understand the law and assert your rights

A publication of the Bureau de l'éé entre les femmes et les hommes du canton de Vaud (BEFH).

To mark the 30th anniversary of the constitutional article on gender equality in 2011, the Bureau de l'équité entre les femmes et les hommes (BEFH) in the canton of Vaud has produced a new publication.

This free information pack can be ordered from BEFH at the following address: