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Swiss German - Integrated skills modules

Swiss German Module

We offer Swiss German modules at 2 levels. The aim of the modules is to enable you to understand and, should you wish, to speak Swiss-German in everyday situations.

Learning is based on intercomprehension between closely-related languages – the fact that many languages have similarities facilitates the learning of Swiss-German. This is why this module necessitates a knowledge of German at B1 level.

Your knowledge of German will allow you from the outset to understand simple exchanges in Swiss-German. It will also allow you to highlight language structures which are specific to Swiss-German – and this will allow you to understand more complex conversations in various dialects, and to express yourself in Swiss-German.

To study Swiss-German you must have a level of B1 in German.

NEW COURSE! Parlez le suisse allemand A2- no credits.

Practical information


Pre-registration dates and deadlines



Group levels depend on the registrations

Level descriptor

Structure of the module
(per week)


2 periods


Multimedia Centre (EMA)*

Beginner to A2: 2 periods
(one of them in free-access)



A2/B1 to B2 : 1 period



B2/ to C1: no EMA study required


Fixed according to the availability of the participants

All information


Language Cemter courses are only for members of the UNIL community (with a few exceptions)

All information

*When indicated, the multimedia space for independent learning (EMA) is an integrated part of the course. It can be “online registration” or “free access” (details)

Intercomprehension video clip