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Strategic interdisciplinary and inter-institutional centres

Enhancing and promoting interdisciplinarity

While cutting-edge research often requires specialists who are totally dedicated to their specific field of study, the assimilation of new knowledge by the scientific community and the resulting combinations and interactions require a great deal of work to break down barriers. UNIL therefore wishes to encourage a strong culture of interdisciplinarity among those who study, teach or conduct research, a spirit of openness that integrates from the outset the issues of traditionally quite distinct, even antagonistic, disciplines, emanating, for example, from the fields of humanities and social sciences on the one hand and natural or technical sciences on the other.

In order to achieve this, UNIL is committed to the development of a culture of interdisciplinarity.

With the aim of promoting this spirit of collaboration across the usual thematic and scientific 'boundaries', UNIL's Management has encouraged the creation of a number of interdisciplinary and inter-institutional centres offering optimal conditions, stimulating the search for solutions adapted to the multiple challenges facing our society.

Interdisciplinary Strategic Research Centres (CIR)

The interdisciplinary strategic research centres bring together researchers from different faculties to study a common subject. They benefit from specific resources from the UNIL management insofar as they contribute to the development of the institution's strategic priorities. Their activities contribute to the dynamism and the institutional and scientific profile of UNIL. They include:

Inter-institutional centres

Inter-institutional centres bring together researchers from one or more UNIL faculties with those from other universities to work on a common subject. Their existence is based on agreements signed with the management of the partner institutions. Their activities contribute to the dynamism of Lausanne and the Lake Geneva region. They include: