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Action plan 2017-2020

In 2016, UNIL developed its new action plan for gender equality (2017-2020). This plan responds to the call for projects published by the Diversity Department of swissuniversities in June 2016 as part of the federal programme for equal opportunities and the development of higher education.

With this action plan, the Directorate aims to support the success of the study and professional projects of students, teachers and researchers. In particular, women in academia must be given greater opportunities to become professors and hold senior positions.

For the coming years, the University reaffirms its determination to train and raise awareness among the entire university community of the challenges and benefits of a culture that respects diversity and equality.

The 5 priority objectives of the action plan are as follows:

  1. Promote access to teaching for women.
  2. Encouraging careers for women
  3. Consolidate the role of equality in governance, particularly within faculties.
  4. Promote working conditions that are conducive to academic excellence.
  5. Deepen skills in the field of accommodation.