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Master of Science (MSc) in Physical Education and Sport Didactics

Registering for the master

Student Testimonial (in French)

General content

The Master of Science in Physical Education and Sports Didactics is delivered jointly by the University of Lausanne and the University of Teacher Education of the Canton of Vaud (HEP- VD). It offers a balanced combination of the professionalizing approach of the HEP Vaud and the academic approaches of the UNIL.

This Master’s course enables students to acquire a combination of formal qualifications, skills and experiences that support training for teacher trainers in physical education.

The qualification meets the minimum conditions to become a trainer in physical education and sports didactics in teacher-training colleges and institutes, including in continuing education. It provides access to PhD studies in physical education and sports didactics.

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Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
University of Teacher Education of the Canton of Vaud (HEP-Vaud) 


Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud
Av. de Cour 33
1007 Lausanne


HEP Vaud

M. Gianluca Sorrentino
UNIL-Mouline, Géopolis
CH –1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 31 14

Degree awarded

Master of Science (MSc) in Physical Education and Sport Didactics

ECTS Credits



3 or 4 semesters

Teaching language

French. Recommended level : C1.
A good level of English (B2) is advised for reading scientific literature.

Admission requirements

The following may be admitted to the Master’s degree: students meeting the registration and enrolment conditions of the University of Lausanne and the HEP-Vaud who are in possession of a Bachelor’s in primary education awarded by HEP Vaud, a Bachelor’s or Master’s in “Sports Sciences” from the University of Lausanne or a secondary school PES teaching diploma.
Students holding another Bachelor’s degree awarded by a Swiss university or a qualification deemed equivalent may be admitted with possible course additions specified by the Science Committee.
Enrolment on the programme is via the HEP-Vaud. Formal admission is pronounced by the Management Committee of the HEP-Vaud according to the recommendation of the Scientific Committee.

Enrolment and final dates

It is possible to start the programme of the Master of Science in Physical Education and Sport Didactics degree in the autumn semester.
Applications to be submitted before 30 April to the HEP-Vaud. 
Candidates needing a visa to study in Switzerland: 28 February.


Possible under certain conditions. Consult HEP Vaud

Career prospects

In addition to specific skills acquired during the course, studies in higher education institutions allow students to acquire a great many transverse skills such as : oral and written communication, critical, analytical and summarising faculties, abilities in research, the learning and transmission of knowledge, independence and the ability to make judgements in the field of specialisation and overlapping areas.

This panoply of skills is excellent preparation for a wide range of employment opportunities such as:

  • Training in teacher-training colleges and institutes in Switzerland and abroad
  • University research or work in other organisations in the field of physical education didactics
  • Responsibility for teacher-training courses
  • Responsibility for training in a business or administrative body.

This Master's course is not a teaching diploma.

Exchanges and mobility

Going on a university exchange is a unique and highly rewarding experience, provided you prepare well. The first thing to remember is that you need to start taking steps well in advance. For example, if you're planning to go away in your 3rd year of a bachelor's degree, you should start taking steps at the beginning of your 2nd year at the latest.

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Subject to changes.
The French version prevails. Only the official texts should be considered binding.
Last update: 20 March 2023