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Legal texts

Creation of the Staff Committee

As part of its policy of dialogue and openness with all staff members, the University Management has set up a Staff Committee within UNIL, which is open to all University staff, whether they are members of the teaching body, the intermediate body or the administrative and technical staff.

UNIL staff refers to all persons who are remunerated by UNIL.

Article 2 - General aims

The Commission is primarily a body for proposals and dialogue. Its role is above all to

  1. to contribute to the dissemination of information relating to human resources management and to advise on questions submitted to it in this connection
  2. to develop dialogue between UNIL management, executives and staff, by promoting communication and consultation
  3. to propose improvements to the organisation and working relations within UNIL
  4. to assist employees, at their request, in dealing with management and the UNIL Board of Directors in the event of a professional dispute.

The Commission is informed and consulted on issues relating to staff working conditions (training policy, remuneration system, structural changes affecting staff).

In addition, the specific procedures provided for in the LPers, the LUL and their implementing regulations in respect of industrial disputes remain fully valid where they exist.

Official documents from the University of Lausanne

  • Regulations 1.1 Staff Committee - CoPers
  • Staff Committee - Internal Directive 1.27
  • Law of 6 July 2004 on the University of Lausanne - LUL
  • Regulations implementing the law of 6 July 2004 on the University of Lausanne - RLUL
  • Law on the personnel of the State of Vaud - Lpers
  • Regulations implementing the Law of 12 November 2001 on the personnel of the Canton of Vaud - RLPers
