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Life at UNIL

Living at UNIL means being part of a community of more than 20,000 inhabitants, organised in a sustainable way around state-of-the-art infrastructure and offering space and time to move, think, inform, cultivate, share and recharge your batteries.

Getting involved at UNIL

Culture at UNIL

Further information

Campus and sustainability

Soft mobility
UNIL links mobility and multimodal transport to help you get around campus more easily and take your time when commuting to and from it.

Guided walks at the start of the academic year, with suggested routes to (re)discover the campus. You can also organise your own themed walk.

The sheep that graze on the campus grounds have become one of its emblematic symbols. As efficient mowers and woolly mascots of the ecological transition, they are charming in every way. They cultivate the open-air image of a campus that combines cutting-edge research with agri-ecological byways.
Sheep emergency, a sheep has escaped? You can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 2666 from internal handsets or 0216922666 from your mobile.


Free of charge, self-service lockers are available at UNIL in the Anthropole, Internef, Unithèque, Geopolis and Amphipôle buildings. Users must provide a personal padlock. Any UNIL student or staff member can have a locker, subject to availability.

Lockers must be emptied by the user by 12 noon on 15 July and will be available again from 12 noon on 15 August each year.

Important: padlocks left on doors, even when open, will be removed and not replaced.

Under articles 35 and 55 para. 1 of the Swiss Public Health Act of 29 May 1985, UNIL is required to comply with certain hygiene, cleanliness and safety standards. As a result, Unibat is obliged to clean out all the lockers on the Dorigny campus.

If a locker has to be forced open by Unibat staff, its contents will be placed in a bag, which will be sealed and then kept for one year. After this period, the bag will be destroyed.

To collect your personal belongings, please contact Unisep on +41 21 692 25 55

The UNIL shop

From umbrellas to mugs, pens, clothing, stationery, computer cases, collectors' items and more: the campus shop offers you a wide range of products for everyday use as well as a dedicated conference selection.

UNIL branded items