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National and International Exchanges IN

Non-UNIL researchers (from Switzerland or abroad) invited to visit UNIL may apply for a grant from the Foundation for the University of Lausanne.


  • Requests for funding must come from a UNIL professor or post-doc as stipulated in Directive 1.1 from the Rectorate.
  • The individual invited must be a professor or post-doc who is not UNIL faculty or staff.
  • For the Foundation to engage its support, there must be a collaborative research project involved.

The following are not eligible:

  • For national exchanges: MA Ambizione (Ambizione research and Teaching Fellows), SNF grant-recipient professors, administrative or technical staff, lecturers, privat-docents, alternate or assistant doctoral candidates.

To keep in mind:

  • Applicants must wait five years between funding requests made in the same category.
  • Requests cannot be made for visits that have already taken place or are currently underway.


The amount awarded pays for the travel costs of the invited academic (travel, hotel, etc.).

The maximum amount awarded for a visit is CHF 6’000.- for a maximum length of 8 weeks.

The Foundation does not fund salaries, working costs, or ongoing maintenance costs associated with submitted projects.

The candidate is responsible for requesting other funding in parallel.

Length of stay

A visit may not exceed 8 weeks

Deadline to submit a grant application

For a request of equal to or less than CHF 3'000.-:

  • Submit online before the 25th of the month
  • Response time: 6 to 8 weeks starting from the 25th of the month

For a request of more than CHF 3'000.-:

  • Submit online before:
    • February 20
    • May 5
    • October 1
  • Response time: 6 to 8 weeks after these set dates

Required documents

The following documents must be uploaded in PDF form during the online application process:

  • Letter of Motivation (1-page, A4) summarizing the targeted goals
  • CV with a list of publications from the previous 5 years,
  • Research Project Description (3-pages, A4).
  • Project Timetable - calendar or Gantt chart,
  • Current state of research in the field, originality of the project or its importance for advancing science
  • A detailed budget
  • Letter of Recommendation from the invited guest’s home institution,
  • Letter of Recommendation from the UNIL Institute inviting the guest.

Apply for funding

Before connecting to submit your application online, prepare your entire file in PDF format.

The file may be submitted in French or in English.

The platform for submitting your application is optimized for Chrome and Firefox.

Select: Demandes subsides FUNIL
Account name: Funil
Password: leave empty

Submit my application online

Reports to include

The Foundation must receive a 2-page scientific report and a financial report, with supporting documents, by the deadline mentioned in the award letter.


The grant recipient agrees to thank the Foundation and/or include its logo on all documents published as a result of the Foundation’s support.