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Invitation management

Applications for managing invitations


Usually, people who are members of the university community at UNIL are divided into two categories:

  • Students and doctoral students, whose administrative registration is the responsibility of the Admissions Office
  • Employees, whose administrative registration is the responsibility of the Human Resources Unit

People who are not members of one of these two categories may be required to carry out a regular activity on the UNIL site. It is possible to carry out an administrative registration for these people so that they can benefit from certain services, for example a computer account, a UNIL e-mail address, a campus card, etc.

The invitation procedure enables the administrative registration of these individuals. At the end of this procedure, they obtain the status of "invited". The invitation of a person must be recommended by a member of the faculty or PAT, known as the inviting person.

The invitation procedure is carried out via the intranet application "Cards à Puces II > Gestion des cartes d'invité II".

Note: although the name of the application may be confusing, the invitation procedure does not involve obtaining a campus card for the person. The invitation procedure generally registers the invitee administratively. The campus card is one of the services that is subsequently obtained by the invitee.

Please note: If you don't know who to contact for this, you can contact who will take care of redirecting you to the appropriate person.

Criteria for being invited

To obtain guest status, a person must have been working at UNIL for at least three months, except in the case of an extension.

The persons eligible for guest status are as follows:

  • trainees
  • staff employed by an interim agenc
  • external scientific collaborators
  • visiting researchers
  • employees of companies or institutions other than partner institutions who regularly carry out their professional activities on the UNIL site

In particular, the following persons may not benefits from guest status:

  • students at the Language Centre who are not registered with UNIL
  • xontinuing education students not registered with UNIL
  • auditors

Invitation criteria

People eligible for guest status are:

  • members of the faculty
  • members of the PAT

Note: some faculties centralise invitation requests according to an internal organisation. Before making a request to obtain guest status, please contact the secretariat of your unit or department to find out about their specific procedures.

Load management

Invitees can delegate their guest status to a person of their choice, such as their secretary. In this case, the delegate will issue the invitations on behalf of the inviter.

Getting the status of guest or délégué

If you wish to obtain this status, you must send an e-mail to the Ci Helpdesk ( specifying your surname, first name, date of birth and the department for which the invitations will be issued (structural unit and/or procofiev/tri). Please note that invitee status is linked to a unit, so you will only receive this status for the unit you have indicated. If you are a member of several units and wish to obtain guest status in each of them, you must repeat the request for status for each unit.

To delegate your guest status to one or more people (e.g. your secretariat), please contact the Ci Helpdesk ( by e-mail, specifying the surnames, first names and dates of birth of the people you wish to be your delegates. The delegates will then issue invitation requests on your behalf. Please note that you must first be the inviting party to delegate this task.

Guest and campus card

Obtaining a campus card automatically follows the invitation request by the guest. Please note that, as a rule, the guest must justify a period of regular presence at the University of at least three months in order to obtain this status.

If the invitation has been validated but the guest has not received his/her campus card within a few days, it is possible that the guest has not sent us his/her photograph. The guest has had the opportunity to send us his/her photograph or other documents via the invitation acceptance procedure. Without a photograph, the campus card cannot be issued.

If the guest has not sent us their photograph during the invitation procedure, you can consult this page for information about the photograph and how to send it to us.