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A postdoc beyond UNIL

Join an existing programme

Join a research programme developped by the institution of your choice or in a selected domain. Positions are usually advertised on the webpage of the institute, the university or on the following sites:

International mobility

APAC (Academic Pathways Across Countries) provides an explanation and comparison of academic career pathways in Germany, France and the UK. The site also provides a glossary of institutional terms frequently used in academic research in the three countries.

Mobility for couples and family

Dual Career Resource

UNIL: Welcome Centre

USA: Higher Education Recruitment Consortium

International Dual Career Network

Family Resource

Swiss schools abroad :


SNF Post-doc Programmes and grants

Contact : Véronique Longchamp
Commission for Research Expertise (CxR)
Unicentre, CH-1015 Lausanne
+41 21 692 20 80

Marie Curie Post-doc Fellowships

Contact: Anne-Emmanuelle de Crousaz
Euresearch Lausanne (UNIL-EPFL),
 PPH 351 Station 5,
 CH-1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 47 50

Foundations in Switzerland or abroad

Fulbright Grants and Fellowships

The Grant Register

The 2015 edition lists 4800 grants in more than 49 countries, It is available for consultation at the Grant Office.

Contact: Claire Arnold
Grant Office
Unicentre, bureau 331, CH-1015 Lausanne

+41 21 692 20 25

SNIS PhD Awards

Swiss Network for International Studies

SNIS invites academic researchers active in international studies to submit project proposals. The winners of the highly competitive call can receive funding up to 300'000.- CHF for a maximum period of two years

Contact: SNIS
Case postale, CH-1211 Genève 20
Rue de Varembé 9 - 11, CH-1202 Geneva
+41 22 733 26 92

*For more information on funding opportunities, please visit the following page on the website.

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