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US Funding

There are two main types of US funding to consider: government funding and other funding.

US government projects

In the government funds, we find the calls for tender proposed by the following Departements :

The NIH projects can be found, for example, in the HHS department.

It is not common for an institution outside the US to be the direct recipient of a US government grant (1%), most of our researchers are associated with projects initiated by US universities.

These projects are followed by près. Timesheets and laboratory notebooks (normally electronic) must be kept up to date, and data must be made available to auditors. It is important to follow the recommendations set out in the guidelines for expenditure and purchasing to the letter. Contracts must be reviewed by the UNIL or CHUV Legal Department, depending on the researcher's affiliation.

Normally to search for a call and submit a project, you need to go through the submission platforms , Assist, eRA Commons (NIH) or through For submissions to the NSF, whose mission includes supporting all areas of basic science and engineering, with the exception of the medical sciences.

Researchers are generally required to make their contribution to the project, and for this it is necessary for the institution to be registered in and for the institution's UEI (Ex-DUNS) to be valid. This is the case for UNIL and CHUV (they have different UEIs!).

It is also generally necessary to have a eRa Commons account. This account is also opened by Jérôme Wuarin of the FBM.

Sometimes an EIN is also required (Employer Identification Number) in various forms.

These numbers can be obtained from Jérôme Wuarin à la FBM.

Partner Universities sometimes require the completion of a « Subrecipient Commitment Form » or  a W-8BEN-E (Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities). 

Claire Arnold at UNIL or Isabelle Guilleret at CHUV can help you complete this form or direct you to the persons authorised to sign these forms.

For Government Projects, only the Rector of the Université de Lausanne is Authorised à to sign as « Signing Official ».

American non-governmental projects

For non-governmental US projects such as those proposed by US foundations, associations or others, the UEI is often required. The forms are similar to those required for government projects. The Authorised Institution Official may vary depending on the institution. It is therefore on a case-by-case basis. Please contact one of the people mentioned in the contacts. 


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