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Support for integration

Useful documents

The Bureau Lausannois des Immigrés (BLI) has a multilingual booklet providing essential information about life in Lausanne.

The BLI also organises a welcome and information session for new residents.

The City of Lausanne lists a range of courses available to help you when you arrive in Lausanne in the booklet Apprendre à Lausanne [Learn in Lausanne].

And do not forget the events organised by the Welcome Centre for you to meet your colleagues!

Learning French

The Cantonal Office for the Integration of Foreigners and the Prevention of Racism (BCI) is the cantonal respondent for integration.

French courses are offered and given by associations, accessible to low budget.

Do not hesitate to consult their website for more information.

The City of Lausanne publishes a useful leaflet containing a list of schools and associations offering French classes for non-native speakers.


L'École de français langue étrangère (EFLE) attached to the UNIL Faculty of Arts offers a full range of French courses for non-native speakers.

You need to be registered at UNIL in order to benefit from additional classes or follow courses leading to an EFLE qualification.


EFLE's FIL offers intensive 4-week courses in French as a foreign language during the winter and summer terms (university holidays). Participants must be over 17 years of age.

Learning in tandem

The University’s Tandem programme helps participants find a partner in order to learn a language of their choice. Two people with different mother tongues learn from each other.

You can learn the basics of French through games on the “Ca joue!" website.

This free website uses scenes of daily and academic life to enable you to familiarise yourself with French and with Lausanne. Video clips, photos and interactive exercises will allow you to learn about different aspects of the French language (expressions, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary) while giving you useful information about Lausanne, Swiss culture, political and administrative structures and more


Mme Salomé Evard
Mme Marcelina Klaus Gaillard
+41 21 692 20 67