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Campus Card

The Campus Card combines several functions in a single card. It is simultaneously an authentication and identification card, a reader's card for libraries, an electronic wallet and an access card for buildings and offices. It can also be used to access a wide range of services.

Get your Campus Card

Validate your Campus Card before you use it

Validate your Campus Card


The Swiss army knife for your practical life at UNIL

Top up your card

You can top up your electronic wallet balance physically at special kiosks located around campus or online.

Top up your card

Blocked, lost or stolen

If you need to report the theft or loss of your Campus Card, you can call one of the following numbers to block it.

Please note that these telephone numbers should only be used in the event of theft or loss.

You can also block/unblock your card yourself.

Once your card has been unblocked, you will need to validate it again to access its services and functions.

Your card at a glance

As well as your first name, last name, date of birth and photograph to authenticate yourself, your Campus Card displays certain information about your current status at UNIL. A rewritable area allows you to update your information following a change of semester or status.

  • Campus Card identifier: for everyone, your card's unique number
  • Status and Faculty: for students, your status and the Faculty you belong to
  • Student number: for students, your unique identification number
  • Status and unit: for staff, indicates the unit you are attached to
  • Library identifier: for all staff, your BibliOpass identifier
  • Registration date: for students, your UNIL registration date
  • Card validity: for students (Expiry date) / for staff (Validate), indicates the expiry date of your Campus Card.

On the left-hand side, you can check the balance of your electronic wallet, the status of your Campus Card and the button that allows you to block or unblock it.

In the central section, under ‘Campus Card information’, you can access the data that will be entered in the rewritable area, i.e. your administrative status.  You can also access the latest transactions in your Campus Card's electronic wallet.

Important: after the expiry date, your campus card will be blocked unless your administrative data have been updated. For staff, this may be the renewal of their contract; for students, it may be the completion of their academic course and payment of the semester fee. To update the expiry date, you must use a validation terminal, which will print the new due date on your Campus Card. 

Statuses and units

Your Campus Card can have one of three statuses:

  • Validated:  your Campus Card is validated, allowing the use of its features and services.
  • Blocked: your Campus Card is blocked, making it impossible to use its features and services.
  • To be validated: your Campus Card must be validated at a validation point before you can use its functions and services.

Please note that this status will not appear on your Campus Card, but you can check it at any time on MyUNIL. You can find more information about validating your Campus Card on this page.

Your campus card has a rewritable area. Each time your status changes at UNIL, you need to validate your Campus Card again  (direct link in MyUNIL; go to My account on your profile icon, then choose My CampusCard; in the Information box, click on Validate my CampusCard),  to update the information displayed on it.

The information displayed in the rewritable area of your Campus Card is displayed on up to four lines.

  • Students: the re-registration area can display three statuses in addition to your Faculty:
    Pre-registered: you have applied for registration at UNIL.
    Pre-enrolled: your registration has been accepted, but the semester fee has not yet been paid.
    Registered: you are registered and have paid your semester fee.
  • Assistant: this status is also indicated.
  • PhD students: your status is indicated by the mention "doct".
  • Teachers: your Faculty of affiliation is indicated.
  • Staff: the indication "Adm&TechStaff" or "PAT", as well as the department to which you are attached, are shown.
  • Invitees and guests, the indication "In" and the function are displayed.

If you have several statuses at UNIL, the rewritable area will display a maximum of two.

If your Campus Card shows 'data deleted', this means that you are no longer enrolled or that your contract has expired. If you believe that this status is incorrect, please contact the Dean's Office (students) or the Human Resources Department (staff and lecturers).

  • FTSR – Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
  • FDCA  – Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration
  • Arts – Faculty of Arts
  • EFLE – School of French as a Foreign Language
  • SSP – Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
  • HEC – Faculty of Business and Economics
  • GSE – Faculty of Geosciences and Environment
  • FBM – Faculty of Biology and Medicine

You can check the status of your Campus Card and the information stored on it at any time on MyUNIL. To do this, once authenticated, click on your profile icon at the top left, then select "My Campus Card".

Are you leaving UNIL?

We recommend that you keep your Campus Card when you leave UNIL. If you return to the UNIL community within 18 months, your new details will be updated when your card is validated. However, if you lose your card, you will have to pay a fee of CHF 25 for a new one.

It is possible to receive the balance of the electronic wallet on your card for its value in cash.

Help, contact and desk

If you are a student, please contact the Admissions Service if you have any of the following problems:

  • Verification or correction of your personal data
  • Campus Card not received

In all other cases, whether you are a student or an employee, a desk is available to help and inform you. It offers the following services:

  • Top up your card with cash
  • Make a withdrawal
  • Refund the balance of your Campus Card if you leave UNIL
  • Issue a new Campus Card in the event of loss, theft or damage (fee CHF 25)
  • Help you with any other problems relating to your Campus Card

Normal opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 8am to 12 noon and from 12.45pm to 5pm.

Location: The desk is located on the second floor of the Amphimax building (MAX-200, Computer Centre and Unicom reception).

If you have any problems, please consult our Documents and frequently asked questions help page first. You may already find a solution there.

If you have any other questions or problems you can't solve, please contact us at