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Services offered to university associations

Access to buildings

Association members have access to the campus buildings during opening hours, just like any other student.

However, in certain special cases and exceptional circumstances (for example, as part of the organisation of an event), subject to justification, access by associations to the buildings may be waived. If you are unable to do so, please make a request. en précisant:

  • The reasons for this request
  • The building(s)/room(s) concerned
  • The dates and times affected by the request
  • The names, first names and email addresses of persons requiring access to the facilities outside opening hours


The use of UNIL premises for activities organised by university associations (conferences, stands, screenings, shows, etc.) is subject to Directive 5.1 ‘Use of UNIL facilities for activities organised by third parties’ and Directive 5.2 ‘Organisation of receptions on University premises’.

For the organisation of major events (e.g. a festival, an event lasting several days, the hosting of partners from outside UNIL, etc.), the Management's agreement in principle is required before proceeding with a reservation in accordance with the procedure below. Please send an e-mail to

Reservations and deadlines

Contact for booking premises: Groupe AEGS (Accueil, Événements et Gestion des Salles), tel 021 692 26 09/11.

For small events (fewer than 100 people), bookings must be made at least 10 days before the date of the event.
For an event of more than 100 people, the association must make the reservation at least 30 days before the event.
When booking, the following information must be provided:

  • the subject of the event
  • the organising association(s)
  • whether an aperitif will be held
  • the number of participants
  • the name of the speaker(s) (internal or external to UNIL)
  • the target audience:
    • members of the association only
    • wider UNIL community
    • general public

All bookings are subject to security, availability and compatibility of premises.

Technical assistance

From Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 5.00pm, UNIL provides technical assistance to users by telephone. Outside these hours, the University will call in independent technicians (CHF 80.- per hour + travel), according to the information available on the Auditorium Assistance page.

Associations area


Access to EA

UNIL grants access to the EA to five representatives of the association who hold a UNIL Campus Card (registered students or contract employees). Each year in November, the associations send the surnames, first names, positions within the association and e-mail addresses of five of their members to

Working rooms

Five rooms (6-12 places) and a meeting room (10 places) are available, by prior arrangement, for committee or working meetings of university associations that do not have a fixed office.

To reserve a room, associations go through the online reservation system. The five members whose details have been passed on have access to the booking system and book the rooms on behalf of their association.

University associations that have fixed premises may also reserve (with prior notice to other associations) a meeting room if their office does not accommodate around ten people.

Rules and regulations governing the use of the Espace associations are displayed and must be respected.

Cabinets, lockers and letterboxes

Associations are also provided with lockers and cupboards for storing documentation and letterboxes. To obtain a letterbox, locker or cupboard, associations must make a request to

Every November, associations with a locker, cupboard or letterbox will have to specify if they wish to retain this infrastructure.


Associations that have an office within the Espace associations will transmit the names, first names, functions within the association and email addresses of all their members every April and November


An association space is available to Fédérond member associations in the Vortex. For more information, contact


Web and email hosting

University associations that have registered their statutes can have their website hosted by the UNIL IT Centre, as well as an e-mail address.

For representative university associations:

  • Domain name:
  • Email address:

For non-representative university associations:

  • Domain name:
  • E-mail address:

To request web hosting: 

To request a email address, you need to make the request to

Ranking on the page

University associations that have registered their articles of association with the Direction appear by default in the list of associations published on this site. They may publish a presentation text by sending the following information:

  • Bref description of the association
  • Website and social networks
  • Address and contact

Participation in promotional events

Welcome day for new students

University associations that have filed their articles of association may set up a presentation stand at the Welcome Day for new students, organised at the start of the new academic year in September by the careers and guidance service (SOC).

However, participation is subject to conditions. We would also like to remind you of the importance of regularly checking your association's contact e-mail address and informing us if it changes. This will enable the SOC to invite you to the Day.

Contact: or +41 21 692 21 30

The start of the student year is an opportunity for the campus to unveil its cultural offerings to the university community. As part of this, the FAE (Fédération des associations d’étudiant·e·x·s) and the SCMS (Service culture et médiation scientifique) at UNIL are organising an evening dedicated to associations and to all those who want to take part in the cultural and associative life of the campus.


Use of the UNIL logo

As third-party entities, university associations may not use the UNIL logo on their communication materials, except in the specific circumstances of a formally agreed institutional partnership with a UNIL unit or its management. If in doubt, please contact the General Secretariat (

For more information: UNIL logo and graphic identity


The filing of the articles of association with the Management does not confer the right to a subsidy from the University.