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Master of Science (MSc) in Psychology

Registering for the master

Student Testimonial (in French)

General content

The Master of Science in Psychology is designed as a cycle of specialisation providing access to the profession of psychologist. On completion of the Master’s degree the student will be able to:

  • explain, evaluate, compare and discuss specific aspects of knowledge in psychology, in the orientation chosen for the Master’s degree, and put them into perspective in relation to their epistemological status ;
  • implement, acting independently, a scientific research process ;
  • master the use of intervention tools related to the application scope of the chosen orientation in psychology ;
  • present, in a structured and reasoned manner, an in-depth reflection, in both written and oral form ;
  • use the relevant knowledge, analytic skills and intervention tools in different contexts, showing respect and consideration for diversity ;
  • develop ethical and socially responsible positions in the practice of psychology.

The main specialisation is to be chosen from among the following 5 fields:

  • Clinical Psychology;
  • Health Psychology;
  • Child and Adolescent Psychology*;
  • Counselling and Vocational Psychology*;
  • Social and Intercultural Psychology

* These two specialisations allow access to consultations under supervision (provided that your application is accepted); see Admission requirements.

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Faculty of Social and Political Sciences


Décanat SSP
Quartier UNIL-Mouline
CH-1015 Lausanne


Ms. Stéphanie Huguelet
+41 21 692 37 66

Degree awarded

Master of Science (MSc) in Psychology

ECTS credits



4 semesters

Teaching language

French. Recommended level : C1.

Admission requirements

Candidates must hold a Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree awarded by a Swiss university.
The holders of Bachelor of Science in Psychology degrees awarded by other universities may be admitted on the basis of their personal case file, subject to the candidate’s formal admissibility to the master’s degree course.

Admission to the programmes involving consultation
The number of places available in the two programmes involving consultation (i.e., the orientations «Child and Adolescent Psychology (with consultation)» and «Counselling and Vocational Psychology») is limited. For admission to these programmes it is therefore necessary to submit an application to the ad hoc committees at the Institute of Psychology, in addition to the usual application for admission to the Master’s degree course (which must be sent instead to the Admissions Service).
More information on deadlines for sending the application, its contents or the selection criteria

Holders of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree awarded abroad may be admitted on the basis of their personal case file and must submit a statement confirming that they have been offered a place to study for a Master’s in psychology at a university in the country that awarded the Bachelor’s degree. For more information, see:

Enrolment and final dates

It is possible to start the programme of the Master of Science in Psychology degree in the autumn semester only.
Applications to be submitted before 30 April to the Admissions Office:
Candidates needing a visa to study in Switzerland must apply for enrolment before 28 February.


Possible under certain conditions.
All information

Career prospects

On completion of the Master’s degree students will be able to:

  • explain, evaluate, compare and discuss specific aspects of knowledge in psychology, in the orientation chosen for the Master’s degree, and put them into perspective in relation to their epistemological status;
  • implement, acting independently, a scientific research process;
  • master the use of intervention tools related to the application scope of the chosen orientation in psychology;
  • present, in a structured and reasoned manner, an in-depth reflection, in both written and oral form;
  • use the relevant knowledge, analytic skills and intervention tools in different contexts, showing respect and consideration for diversity;
  • develop ethical and socially responsible positions in the practice of psychology.

This range of skills prepares students for professional posts in a wide variety of sectors:

  • Medico-psychological consultation services
  • Psychogeriatrics and geriatrics
  • Counselling and vocational psychology
  • Psychology, psychomotor therapy and speech therapy in the educational field
  • Parapublic institutions (e.g. care homes for the elderly, adolescent homes)
  • Prevention and public health (e.g. industrial health and safety)
  • Research and teaching (e.g. UNIL, CHUV – Psychiatry)
  • Private Practice (Consultation)
  • Other : associative structures, intervention services (e.g. police), private service companies or consultancies in the organisation of firms, public administration, etc.
  • Private practice (consultation, check-up, psychological evaluation, etc.)

In several fields, particularly those where a federal specialisation degree exists (e.g. psychotherapy), postgraduate training is necessary after completing the Master’s degree.

Exchanges and mobility

You have the possibility of following part of your studies in a partner institution recognised by UNIL. If the mobility study programme is approved by the Faculty’s Mobility Commission and is validated by a pass in the examina- tions, the credits obtained in mobility will be recognised and validated as part of your degree course.

Find out more

Subject to changes.
The French version prevails. Only the official texts should be considered binding.
Last update: 12 March 2024