The persons of trust are an independent and free resource available to the entire university community (students, intermediary staff, administrative and technical staff, professorial staff). They offer support, help, advice or a listening ear for any type of difficult situation, in full confidentiality.
Not sure how to characterise your situation? See our help page for identifying a problematic situation or contact one of the persons of trust.
This service is an independent and free resource available to the entire university community (students, intermediary staff, administrative and technical staff, professorial staff), in order to promote a favourable work and study climate. The persons of trust are mandated by UNIL but are entirely external, thus guaranteeing absolute confidentiality of your exchanges.
Any member of the community (students, intermediary staff, administrative and technical staff, professorial staff) who wishes to receive support, help, advice or a listening ear concerning a relational, operational or collaborative difficulty, can contact a person of trust.
These professionals offer support, help, advice or a listening ear for any relational, operational or collaborative difficulty, or for a situation of harassment, sexism, violence or discrimination. This can take different forms:
From a mobile phone: 021 692 20 00
From a landline: 115
Police: 117
Ambulance : 144
Fire brigade : 118
Heart2Heart : 0800 143 000