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1. Requesting notice

The VAE Advisor will support you at this stage

Sophie Serry
VAE consultant
+41 21 692 38 25

  1. At the earliest opportunity: I ask for information
  2. September 15: I request a preliminary opinion

Every VAE procedure begins with a request for a preliminary orientation opinion. 

It must be completed and submitted electronically to the following address:

The request for advance notice lays the foundations for a VAE dossier

Firstly, it helps you to structure your career path. Secondly, it enables the VAE Adviser, in collaboration with an Academic Adviser from the Faculty concerned (or any person appointed for this purpose by the Dean of that Faculty). to provide you with a preliminary guidance note.

The pre-referral opinion provides an initial favourable or unfavourable opinion of your commitment to the VAE procedure.

Please note that the deadline for submitting a request for pre-advice is 15 September.

To help you with this process, a blank application for pre-advice will be given to you in advance by the VAE Advisor.

What does the application for advance notice of orientation consist of?

The request for a preliminary guidance opinion includes 

  • The title of the course concerned by the VAE.
  • Personal data (in particular the âge).
  • The details of your initial and continuing training courses.
  • The list of your professional and work experience, in relation to the course you are aiming for, and stating the start and end dates of your commitment, as well as your level of activity.

Appended to the application are the application for pre-referral guidance

  • A copy of your passport, identity card or, for foreign nationals, residence permit or B work permit.
  • A letter explaining why you are applying for the notice period and why you are planning to study the course in question.
  • A full curriculum vitae.
  • Copies of diplomas and certificates obtained.
  • Copies of transcripts (both sides) of all qualifications obtained.
  • Programme descriptions and certificates of attendance for the courses mentioned.
  • Job descriptions, certificates of employment, attestations and other reference documents corresponding to the jobs held and the voluntary or association experience highlighted.
  • A copy of the ‘compilation of accounts’ obtained from the last AVS fund and certifying the years of contributions.
  • An authenticated translation of documents not in French, German, Italian or English. 

Please note that all the documents collected will be useful for compiling your full VAE application if you wish to embark on this process.

What experience should I put forward in my application for notice?

There are a number of criteria to help you make your choice

My experience is based on proven activities

I have a work certificate and specifications for my professional activities. The collection of AVS accounts is a document that provides a good deal of information about my activity (duration, rate, etc.). For professional activities as a self-employed person, documents such as copies of agency contracts and the corresponding invoices can also be used as proof, in addition to the AVS account. Volunteer activities must also be certified in order to be taken into account.

The activity highlighted is sufficiently consistent for me to have developed relevant knowledge, skills and abilities in it

Responsibilities and percentage of activity, whether it is one-off or regular, etc. are all factors to be taken into account. The knowledge, skills and aptitudes are also more often than not developed in situations of blockage that have been overcome: highlighting these situations and the reflection that flows from them may also be of interest when drafting the VAE file.

The activity I am highlighting is relevant to the field of study being considered

This does not mean that the skills developed through this activity must overlap exactly with the learning objectives of the curricula, but that they are at least close to them. It is required that the knowledge, skills and aptitudes demonstrated correspond, for the most part, to the training objectives targeted by the various components of the chosen curriculum (Directive 3.17 on VAE). Finally, I select the activity that I feel is relevant to the field of study I am considering for my request for a preliminary opinion and I explain why in my full VAE file.

The information contained on the unil vae pages is provided for information purposes only. Only the following reference texts are authentic: art. 77 and 78 RLUL. Detailed VAE framework: UNIL Directives 3.17, 3.18 and 3.2.