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Our partner networks for Information Resources and Archives

Heritage partners

The Archives Cantonales Vaudoises (ACV): The main partner of our department, they ensure the final conservation of the University's administrative documents until 1945. They hold a large part of the collections relating to Lausanne's higher education system.

The Archives of the City of Lausanne (AVL): They preserve certain private fonds relating to the University, and their specialisation in audio-visual archives makes them a privileged partner.

The Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire (BCU): A spin-off from the University, it has separated from it while maintaining strong links with it, both geographically and scientifically. It holds most of the publications relating to the University, as well as a significant number of private fonds.

Our other national partners:

Academic partners

Museum partners

The Musée historique de Lausanne (MHL): It is mainly in the iconographic field that a partner relationship has been established with this rich institution, whether in the form of postcards or photographs.

The Mususée de l'Elysée : Curator of the prestigious De Jongh collection and several regional heritage photographic collections, the Musée de l'Elysée is regularly asked by our service to obtain photos relating à to university life.

The Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts: a natural partner for all things related to painting, both in terms of the University's collections of paintings and the canvases borrowed by members of the academic community to adorn its offices.

International organisations