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Science teacher training

Further training in science for future secondary I and II teachers. Find out here about careers as a secondary science teacher after an EPFL or UNIL diploma.

Secondary I

Master's degree in Secondary I education

The Master in Secondary I education is the basic training that enables you to teach pupils aged 12 to 15, in grades 5 to 9 of compulsory schooling (7 to 11 HarmoS).

After a Bachelor's degree from EPFL or UNIL in ... * Training in at least 2 disciplines without top-up Training in at least 2 disciplines with additional training


Natural sciences



Natural sciences


Geosciences & environment, major in geography


Natural Sciences Mathematics

Mathematics **


Natural sciences


Natural Sciences Mathematics

Life sciences and technologies

Natural sciences


* Other Bachelor's degrees may be taken into consideration, but require significant additional training in the natural sciences and/or mathematics.

** Holders of a Bachelor's degree in mathematics can study just one subject.

Information and requirements

For Secondary I teaching, the information and requirements of the HEP in canton of Vaud are as follows:

The EPFL and UNIL offer a range of additional courses to obtain the necessary credits.

Additional training for teaching a second subject at Secondary I level

These files contain the list of courses for obtaining the additional credits required by the HEP in the canton of Vaud. Supplementary branch credit offer:

The procedures for acquiring additional credit are currently under discussion.

Secondary II

After a Master's degree from EPFL in chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, life sciences & technologies, communication systems, or after a Master's from UNIL in biology, geosciences & environment (major in geography) :

MAS/Diploma in Secondary Teaching II

The Diploma in Secondary Teaching II is the basic training that enables teachers to teach 15- to 20-year-olds. For Secondary II teaching, the information and requirements of the HEP in canton of Vaud are as follows:

After a Master's degree from EPFL in mathematics or computer sciences with specialization in teaching :

Master with specialization in Mathematics for teaching

This Master is a joint program between EPFL and HEP-VD to train high school teachers in mathematics in Switzerland.

Master with specialization in Computer Science for teaching

This Master is a joint program between EPFL and HEP-VD to train high school teachers in computer science in Switzerland.


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