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Creating digital content

The courses and self-study modules offer theoretical content with practical exercises on various tools. Information about the tools is specific to them, with technical tutorials on how to use them.

Learning objectives 

  1. Know and Choose scientific bibliographic databases to search for thematic information
  2. Know and Use the main functions of a scientific bibliographic database to search for thematic information
  3. Know, Obtain and Paramétrate theélectronic bibliography management tool Zotero
  4. Know and Use Zotero's functions to store and manage bibliographic references electronically
  5. Know and Use Zotero Groupe's collaboration functions to create and manage a bibliography electronically as a team

Format: Video clips and in-depth exercises on Moodle

Module "Searching for and managing bibliographic information"

Learning objectives

  1. Know and Use the main types of graph to classify-structure qualitative information
  2. Know and Use a concept map tool such as XMind and a tool to make tables to classify-structure qualitative information
  3. Know the main types of graph for quantitative information
  4. Know and use a spreadsheet tool such as Excel to present quantitative data, make simple calculations and graphical visualisations with such data

Format: Video clips and in-depth exercises on Moodle

Module "Processing qualitative and quantitative information"

Take notes for lectures or reading

Learning objectives:

  1. Know and Apply the advanced functions of various digital tools to take multi-media notes in a variety of digital files
  2. Know and Apply Zotero's advanced features to create and manage notes and generate reports from multiple notes
  3. Know and Apply Zotero's advanced features to extract notes taken from documents in PDF format

Format: Video clips and in-depth exercises on Moodle

Module "Taking lecture or reading notes"

Generative AI and higher education

This playlist features interviews with teachers and experts on generative AI in education.


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