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Sustainable management

UNIL committed to a more sustainable society

Long committed to a strategy of reducing its impact on its direct environment, the University of Lausanne can count on many researchers who have chosen to include sustainability at the heart of their work.

Over and above their studies in philosophy, sociology and anthropology, which are essential for understanding the human being and its relationship, or even alignment, with nature, scientists at UNIL today offer work in a variety of fields, at the frontier of many disciplines.

At a time when people are mobilising the public sphere in an urgent bid to raise awareness of climate issues, research is also taking a look, sometimes a hard look, at protecting our planet. For example, legal research is being carried out to define and understand the legal tools used to prevent or remedy the harm caused by humans to nature.

In addition to research, UNIL also offers a variety of courses, such as its recent Master's degree in Sustainable Management and Technology, offered in conjunction with EPFL and IMD. With its management-oriented approach, it offers its students the opportunity to engage in a global reflection on the world of industry and the economy;The aim is to train the decision-makers of tomorrow, today more than ever, to tackle the many challenges of responsible, sustainable entrepreneurship.

Aware of the need for joint action to move towards a greener, but also more inclusive, society, UNIL has a number of partnerships with other public institutions, all of which are committed to the path of sustainability, in order to develop joint initiatives, such as the "greening" of the economy;UNIL has a number of partnerships with other public institutions, all committed to the path of sustainability, to focus on joint initiatives, such as the CLIMACT centre, which brings together the University of Lausanne and the Ecole polytechnique férale de Lausanne, and promotes innovation for the future of society and infrastructure in a changing world.

Perspectives on sustainable management

In this video, three scientists explain some of the sustainability and sustainable management research being carried out at the University of Lausanne: Julia Steinberger, professor, who is interested in the question of energy consumption and the need to satisfy every human being; Thierry Largey, professor of public law, specialising in administrative law, energy law and the law of the environment;Fabrizio Butera, professor of social psychology, whose research focuses on changes in pro-environmental behaviour through a study of children.

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