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Training and advice

Every six months, the Research Support Network organises workshops specifically designed for you, researchers, supervisors from all faculties (UNIL, CHUV, Unisanté) and administrative and technical staff (PAT). These workshops are free of charge.

Graduate Campus workshops

Waiting lists are always used for our workshops and often change rapidly just before the start date. If all places for a course are currently taken, please do not hesitate to send your request so that we can contact you if a place becomes available.


Research Department Workshops

As a service dedicated to the advancement of research, we understand the unique challenges that researchers face when it comes to funding their projects. That's why we have developed a range of courses around research funding, which aim to expertly guide them through the various resources and tools available to them. By taking part in these courses, researchers will learn how to access the funding and grants that will propel their ideas to new horizons.

Courses available:

  • How to prepare a project for SNSF funding
  • Preparing an SNSF budget
  • How to fund my PhD research or postdoc
  • Formation Research Connect

Research projects funded by public or private bodies often require very precise organisational processes. Knowing when and how to draw up a Data Management Plan, knowing the various consultative bodies and when to consult them, knowing the procedures to follow when recruiting staff are all complexities that need to be taken into account as soon as possible to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Courses available:

  • Exporting records from Serval to ORCID and the FNS CV
  • Public research contracts
  • Copyright in scientific publishing and its strategic management
  • Research ethics
  • Going before an ethics commission
  • Anonymising or de-identifying research data: how to protect your participants
  • Documenting your data: why and how?
  • Organising and naming your research data

Sharing your research

Sharing research is a critical step. Copyright, submission for publication, open science… so many critical questions and choicesà to take for researchers. To guide them, we have created a series of courses and training on these subjects.

Courses available:

  • Hands on Open Access
  • Open, ethical and responsible publishing: towards trustworthy research

A wide range of training and support services

Free and accessible, these courses have been designed to support researchers throughout their research projects. From planning to publication, including the search for funding, central services are on hand to support UNIL researchers.

Visit the Other services and programmes page to find additional training and assistance for doctoral students and post-docs.