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Equal recruitment

Recruiting without discrimination is not only a legal obligation, but also a question of institutional efficiency: only through equal recruitment can we find the best person for the job.

Despite an anti-discriminatory legal framework and the progress that has been made, the professional world in general and the academic world in particular are still marked by obstacles to equal recruitment.

Gender stereotypes, in particular, have a hard time of it. We need to be aware of these and counter them, using existing measures and tools to guarantee equality throughout the recruitment process.


Teacher recruitment: equality measures

In order to facilitate the work of committee chairmen, the following measures are presented in chronological order of an appointment procedure.

  1. Training for implicit biases
    Training in implicit bias in academic recruitment (two hours' duration, online, accessible below) must be compulsorily attended once by UNIL professors·es and MERs who are members of the présentation committee. This training is highly recommended for other members, both internal and external to the committees.
    Follow the training
  2. Support for teachers or MER
    If the workload associated with presentation committees proves to be excessive for a professor or MER representing the under-represented gender in the teaching body, the Dean may submit a request to the Management to offer support. The form of this support may be determined by the dean. The maximum amount is CHF 10,000 per person per year.
  3. Job profile
    It is strongly recommended that the broadest possible criteria are set out in the job advertisement, taking into account activities other than research in particular, and that they are assessed in accordance with the DORA declaration.
  4. Level of position
    It is strongly recommended that preference be given to opening positions at PAST PTC level whenever the measure is likely to encourage applications from the under-represented gender. The criteria to be taken into account to determine whether a gender is under-represented (at the level of a unit, school, department, institute, section, etc.) is left to the discretion of the Director.) is left to the discretion of the faculties.  
  5. Proactive search for candidates
    When the share of the under-represented gender in the faculty of the unit / department / institute / section is less than 30%, a proactive search for candidates of the under-represented gender must be carried out.
  6. Reporting the application deadline
    When the proportion of applications of the under-represented type is less than 30%, and if no proactive search has been carried out to date (see point 5), the application deadline must be postponed by at least one month.
  7. Criteria and evaluation grid
    The nomination committee must use clear, standardised evaluation criteria and draw up an evaluation grid on this basis before deciding on the evaluation of the applications.
  8. Evaluation of applications by gender
    The nomination committee shall evaluate female and male candidates separately, starting with the gender under-represented in the faculty of the unit / department / institute / section.
  9. Questions « Égalité, diversité et inclusion » (EDI)
    It is strongly recommended that you raise issues of diversity and inclusion with candidates during the interview, by asking at least one question on this topic. For example, questions could be asked about how these aspects are taken into account in teaching, research (supervision of doctoral students) and institutional integration. Examples of questions are provided in the document "Évaluer les aspects EDI (égalité, diversité et inclusion) dans les candidatures aux postes professaux").
  10. Committee report
    To enable the Equality Office to monitor and document the effectiveness of these measures, the presentation committee's report must specify in its own section whether all the measures have been followed and how they have been implemented (a template to help complete this section can be found in the appendix to Directorate Guideline 1.3).

Documents to download

Ban on discrimination

Art. 8 of the Federal Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sex. The Federal Law on Equality between Women and Men (LEg) puts this prohibition into practice in the workplace, in all aspects of the employment relationship, starting with recruitment.

Equal monitoring of appointment procedures

One of the ways of achieving a minimum of 40% women among new professorial appointments is to monitor recruitment procedures. In its Action Plan for Equal Opportunities 2017-2020, UNIL has decided to reorganise this monitoring to make it more effective and thus guarantee equal treatment.

After the assessment, the former Délégation à l39;égalit&e; composed of professors·e·s and MERs, was dissolved in 2017. From now on, an expert from the Bureau for Equal Opportunities will take part in the work of the recruitment committees, as a member in an advisory capacity, with a mandate to ensure that the committee takes account of equal opportunities for women and men.

The Equality Office also provides statistical monitoring of faculty recruitment.

Online courses

Avoiding implicit bias in academic recruitment.

This training course on implicit bias in academic recruitment is compulsory for any member of the stable academic body called upon to participate in a faculty recruitment committee.

Follow the training