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The PhD thesis is a piece of high-level, individual academic work that is subject to quality standards and is intended to break new ground in its subject area. The doctoral researcher is a member of a community of researchers and their research work forms part of a more general educational project.

Are you considering a PhD ?

As a crucial new step in your studies and your access to an academic career, starting a PhD inevitably raises many questions.

To help you prepare, we recommend our brochure Getting your thesis off to a good start.

For any other questions you may have before reaching your decision, please click on the button below to help you make an informed choice.

Before you begin your doctorate

Are you doing a PhD?

You will find below the essential information for your doctorate at UNIL

Career with a PhD

Traditionally the gateway to an academic career at a university, the opportunities offered by a PhD have changed considerably. Discover the new horizons available to Doctorate holders.

Career with a PhD

Code of Practice for the Doctorate

The Code of Practice for the Doctorate highlights the active roles and shared responsibilities of doctoral candidates and their supervisors during the doctoral process. Its aim is to create a working environment that is conducive to the successful completion of the thesis. This is an essential document that we strongly recommend you read in advance.

Code of Practice for the Doctorate


Before enrolling for a doctorate, you must have identified a Professor or Senior Lecturer who is willing to supervise your thesis and who shares your academic interests. Choosing the right person to supervise you during your PhD at UNIL is essential.

The Code of Practice for the Doctorate is an excellent basis for discussion with your future supervisor.

Choose a supervisor