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The Open Science Team

Open Access

Micaela Crespo
Deputy director - Service de la recherche
UNIL's Head of Open Access

Research Data

Carmen Jambé
UNIL's Head of Research Data Management

Faculty contacts

Open Access, Serval, Ethics

Christelle Cocco
Research Consultant, Coord. CER-FTSR

Research data

Christelle Cocco
Research Consultant, Coord. CER-FTSR, Data Steward FTSR

Samy Ibriz Pelaez
FTSR research engineer, full-stack developer

More information

Research webpage of the Faculty

Open Access, Scientific promotion, Serval and Unisciences

Gaëlle Delavy
Assistant Scientific Communication and Promotion (Publications and Open Access, Scientific Promotion)
Internef 218
+41 21 692 27 69

Research funding, Research ethics

Caroline Wilhem
Assistant Institutional Affairs and Research (Funding, Research Data, Research Ethics, Academic Career)
Head of Faculty Technology Platforms Internef 218
+41 21 692 27 67

Digital environments

Hugo Hueber
Research Engineer (Digital Environments)
Amphip 269
+41 21 692 62 42

More information

Research webpage of the School of Criminal Sciences

Research webpage of the Law School

Research support (ethics, Open Access, research data)

For all requests for support, please send your requests à l'adresse

More information

Research webpage of the Faculty

Ethics, Open Access, Serval, Unisciences, conventions

Zoé Codeluppi PHD
Adjointe recherche (Ethique, Valorisation, Convention, Open Access)
Responsable de plateforme éthique facultaire
GEO2869 , UNIL-Mouline
+41 21 692 31 28 

Research support and development, Data management, DMP

Ellina Mourtazina PHD 
Consultante de recherche (Soutien projet, Financements, Données de recherche)
GEO2869 , UNIL-Mouline
+41 21 692 31 21 

Margarita Ghoorbin
+41 (0)21 692 31 18
Géopolis – Bureau 2871
Gestion de données, DMP :

Glen Lomax
Ingénieur recherche SSP

More information

Research webpage of the Faculty

Faculty contact

Research office

Research data

Zhargalma Dandarova
Data Steward HEC

Flavio Calvo and Margot Sirdley
Ingénieur·e·s recherche HEC, Programmer and HPC Spécialiste

More information

Research webpage of the Faculty

Open Access, SERVAL

Cécile Lebrand
The FBM offers its researchers a support service tailored to their needs.

Research Data

Cécile Lebrand
The FBM offers its researchers a support service tailored to their needs.

Vassilios Ioannidis
FAIR Data Management

Arianna Ravera

Research Fellow FBM, Machine Learning Specialist

More information

Research webpage of the Faculty

Webpage of the Faculty about Research Data Management

Faculty contact

Amélie Dreiss
Research Consultant

Research data

Zhargalma Dandarova
Data Steward FGSE

Flavio Calvo and Margot Sirdley
Ingénieur·e·s recherche HEC, Programmer and HPC Spécialiste

Contacts by institute

Manon Rosset (IGD)

Catherine Schlegel-Rey (IDYST & ISTE)

More information

Research webpage of the Faculty

Other internal contacts

PlaTec is the satellite at UNIL of the Data and Service Center for the Humanities  (DaSCH), an institution of the Academy of Human and Social Sciences , for French-speaking Switzerland. DaSCH ensures the long-term accessibility and archiving of SHS research data as part of a digital infrastructure and service centre deployed at the national level.

PlaTec supports researchers in the management of their research data and databases. It provides researchers with the DaSCH infrastructure (Knora, Salsah, Sipi) and other services (supervision, support, evaluation, etc.).

More information

FORS is the Swiss Centre of Competence in Social Sciences, hosted by UNIL (Geopolis). It produces data from national and international surveys. The centre also provides tools for information infrastructure and a consultation service for researchers.

FORS covers the entire research process for social science researchers with services ranging from conceptualizing the questionnaire to developing a report dedicated to presenting the results:

  • Conceptualization and writing of the questionnaire
  • Sampling plan and implementation
  • Programming and layout of the questionnaire
  • Data collection process
  • Cleaning and data preparation
  • Documentation
  • Data analysis, visualization and interpretation
  • Writing the final report and presenting the results

UNIL is currently working with FORS and UNIZH to develop a repository of thematic and generalist data to manage the research data produced at UNIL (SWISSUbase ).

More information