Health is an essential component of successful studies, which is why the University's Health Service is here to help you with your mental and physical well-being.
Are you in an emergency situation?
‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19–22 June 1946.
The Health Centre's mission is to support students and assistants in maintaining their health and to help foster an environment conducive to study and teaching. Our team works to strengthen the integration, skills and well-being of the university community.
‘Community health is the local approach to a community's health problems, involving its active participation at every stage. It is theoretically implemented by a group combining professionals and the general public. The priority of community health is health promotion.’ S. Tessier, J.-B. Andreys, M.-A. Ribeiro, Santé publique et santé communautaire, 1996
We practise this community-based approach and work in close collaboration with UniSEP, the UNIL Safety, Environment and Prevention Department.
We offer you free and confidential consultations, particularly in the event of health concerns, the need for bio-psycho-social guidance, questions about risky consumption or behaviour, or the need for support.
Quartier UNIL-Dorigny
Anthropole, Bureau 1056, CH - 1015 Lausanne
+41 21 692 25 77
Workshops on diet and health, stress management and relaxation can be organised for up to eight people on request.
Les étudiant.e.s inscrit.e.s à l’Université de Lausanne* ont la possibilité de bénéficier d’un bilan bucco-dentaire assuré par le Centre de médecine dentaire et orale du CHUV au tarif préférentiel de CHF 40.-, le solde des frais, soit CHF 59 est couvert par l’Université. Ce bilan, comprend un examen clinique et deux radiographies.
Cette année, le bilan dentaire a lieu du 6 au 10 octobre 2025 sur rendez-vous.
* Cette offre est uniquement destinée aux étudiant·e·s régulièrement inscrit·e·s en bachelor et en master.
Marche à suivre
Centre de médecine dentaire/CHUV
Rue du Bugnon 44
1011 Lausanne
Sur inscription
UNIL runs blood donation sessions twice a year. My life, your blood: four words to show our solidarity and help save lives.
Before the blood donation, the donor is invited to fill in a medical questionnaire, followed by a quick health check (to check their haemoglobin level, pulse, blood pressure and weight) by a health professional. The donation is then taken. Contrary to what you might think, it is completely painless and you barely feel the sting. A compression bandage is then applied to your arm and you are offered a snack.
If you have any questions about your suitability to donate, you can contact the transfusion service on freephone 0800 14 65 65 or visit the website
Please support us: everyone is welcome!
Anyone over the age of 18, in good health and weighing at least 50 kilos can give blood at the clinic. There are a few contraindications, which are detailed on the website
In partnership with the FAE
En recherche d’un moment pour échanger, écouter et pour partager ce qui aide à aller mieux? C'est simple, il suffit de vous connecter et de profiter de cet espace pour vous ressourcer!
N'hésitez pas à contacter votre service de santé pour plus d'infos.
The Health Service provides the UNIL community with health prevention and promotion services. A team of peers is on hand at UNIL for festive events and various other occasions. Peer supporters are university students trained in motivational approaches, sexual health, alcohol and drug abuse, and mental health. The prevention approach practised is risk reduction.
You can contact the Health Service to arrange for peers to attend one of your events or for further information.
The University of Lausanne has a psychotherapeutic consultation service provided by psychiatrists and psychologists from the CHUV Psychiatry Department. Students at UNIL who are experiencing difficulties of a psychological nature (whether or not related to their academic career) can benefit from temporary medical support.
This is an outpatient service of limited duration (excluding emergencies) in the form of interviews (one to four sessions) with a consultant from the CHUV's Psychiatry Department, who is bound by medical confidentiality.
The first consultation is free of charge and subsequent consultations are paid for by the basic health insurance scheme (LAMal). Consultations are available in French, English and Italian, and take place by appointment only, Monday to Friday. In the event of sickness or illness, consultations must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance.
All requests must be sent to: