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Admission without maturity

Bridges are important, which is why the University of Lausanne offers alternative access to Bachelor's programmes for people who want to study but do not have a recognised qualification.

To find out if you can enter UNIL without a maturit, first answer these two questions

Is your degree recognised?

To find out whether your diploma gives you access to the first year of a Bachelor's degree, refer to the lists on the Registration and Enrolment Service website.

If so, you can directly undertake a registration process

If not, pass on to the next question.

Do you have a professional or specialised qualification?

If so, you have the opportunity to pass l'Complementary bridging examination, which if you pass gives you access to à UNIL under the same conditions as with a maturité gymnasium.

People who have a vocational matura, are at least 25 years old and have three years'work experience also have the opportunity to apply for admission on the basis of a dossier, provided that they meet all the other conditions for admission on the basis of a dossier.

If not, skip to the next step

Pre-examination and application-based admission: two routes to a Bachelors degree

If you answered "no" to the previous two questions, there are two possible routes, subject to certain conditions.

Is your project realistic?

There are many reasons why people might choose to study at university. They differ according to each person's personal and professional situation. As an ambitious project, it takes time and the adjustment of various parameters (workload, family organisation, financial aspects, etc.). Before you embark on the admissions process with full knowledge of the facts and avoid any unpleasant surprises, it is crucial to be well informed about the content, scope and specific features of university studies.

Talk to other people about your plans and to guidance professionals. Analyse your situation. Ask yourself about your motivations and the new perspectives that such studies could bring you. Go for it!

Knowing yourself: the key to success

We offer you a list of affirmations to support your reflection:

  • can you identify with them?
  • do they reflect the image you have of university studies?
  • are they in line with the means you have given yourself to concretely realise your project?
  • are the constraints or concessions imposed realistic? 

Studying at university: motivation and preparation

  • I have a career plan, at least in broad outline: I have a fairly clear idea of the job I want to do or of the jobs that interest me in relation to my study project, and my study objective is then clear to me.
  • I’ve discuss my project with professionals, guidance professionals, à UNIL or elsewhere.
  • I’m a very hard worker and am really motivated, motivated; by my future études.
  • I remain a realist and don't expect to enjoy every university course in its entirety.
  • I feel sufficiently motivated to commit to five years of study, if I wish to obtain a Master's degree. 
  • Financially speaking, five years of’éstudy are feasible.
  • In terms of managing my time, it's clear to me that these next few years will be devoted to my studies and will probably require some sacrifices.
  • I have familiarised myself with the content of the course by informing myself about the themes that will be covered in the Bachelor's degree I am aiming for.

Specific features of university studies and working methods

  • I’m used to work on a regular basis.
  • I demonstrate self-discipline.
  • I have a curious temperament and enjoy learning.
  • I am à comfortable with manipulating concepts and theories, or am ready to tackle it.
  • I am willing to immerse myself in learning and using computer programmes.
  • I am motivated to read a lot of scientific texts.
  • I have attended courses at university as an auditor, auditor libre to learn about teaching and learning methods.

If these statements apply to you, your project is probably solid and realistic, which increases your chances of success.

If this is not yet the case, take the time to question yourself, discuss it around you and talk about ità professionals. In particular, you can make an appointment with a careers advisor or guidance counsellor