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Implementation, review and valorisation

When do projects start?

Project leaders can start work as soon as the project has been accepted.

How is the financial monitoring of the project organised?

The approved budget is available for each project, and each item of expenditure must be justified in order to be deducted from this overall amount.

Funding is granted for 1 year or up to 3 years from the project start date specified in the application. No costs can be taken into account before or after this period.

Proof of expenditure must be attached during the year funded to expense claims sent to the CSE, which is responsible for the administrative and financial management of the FIP, via the address In the event of unjustified expenditure, the CSE is entitled to refuse to cover the expense and will inform the project leader accordingly. In the event of a dispute, the Vice-Rector in charge of teaching will arbitrate.

A financial statement is drawn up by the CSE at the end of the project funding period and sent to the project leader for validation.

If you have any questions about the financial aspects of the projects, please contact

What does the project review involve?

The project leader must draw up a report no later than 6 months after the end of project funding. He or she may be assisted in drawing up the report by the pedagogical advisor and/or the pedagogical engineer of the Faculty/School concerned.

The main aim of the review is to evaluate the impact of the project on the learning experience. Its content is determined by the evaluation modality specific to the project defined in the application form. It is therefore established on a case-by-case basis.

What communication and promotion tools have been put in place?

In the context of FIP projects, it is expected that the know-how and tools developed can be shared with the community. Accepted projects will be included in a project showcase, and may be promoted via institutional websites, news and social networks. In addition, the pedagogical use of the approach and contents developed may be observed for research purposes.

Project leaders may also be offered various ways of sharing their experiences and promoting their project, for example presentations at pedagogical conferences (QPES, ADMEE, etc.), and other initiatives.

At the request of project leaders, the CSE's pedagogical advisers and the pedagogical engineers in the Faculties / Schools can also provide support for any other form of pedagogical development and dissemination. Please do not hesitate to contact them.

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