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Appeals procedure for students

The information on this page is intended to guide students in particular when making an appeal.

The Legal Service cannot act as a legal adviser to students, given that it may be called upon to act as an appeal authority against decisions made by faculty bodies.

Among others, the Fédération des associations d'étudiants-e-s (FAE) and the Conseil juridique de l'Association des étudiants-e-s en droit de Lausanne (AEDL) can provide support to students in their appeal procedures.

In addition, the Legal Department cannot assist you with private matters.

Decision of definitive failure / decision of exmatriculation

In the event of a final decision on a course of study, the student will receive two separate decisions against which he or she may appeal:

  1. Faculty final decision (appeal procedure see table 1)
  2. Exmatriculation decision by the Admissions Service (SII) (appeal procedure see table 2)

The information given on this page is for information only and does not replace the need to read the legal bases.

Applicable laws and regulations

Article 83 of the Law on the University of Lausanne (RSV 414.11 ; LUL) and the Law on Administrative Procedure (RSV 173.36 ; LPA-VD) are also applicable to appeals against decisions made by the Faculties and Management of UNIL.

The appellant must also refer to the regulatory provisions of his or her Faculty:

FTSR regulations (in particular article 58)

Faculty of Arts regulations (in particular article 35)


Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Regulations (in particular articles 63 and 64)

Faculty regulations (in particular article 83)

  • Regulations and study plans
  • Bachelor's degree in geosciences and environment (in particular article 20)
  • Master of Science in Environmental Geosciences (in particular article 22)
  • Master of Science in Environmental Sciences (in particular article 24)
  • Master of Science in Geology Regulations (in particular article 19)
  • Master of Science in Earth Sciences (in particular article 20)
  • Master of Science in Biogeosciences (in particular article 19)
  • Master of Geography regulations (in particular article 23)
  • Master of Tourism Studies (in particular article 30)
  • Master's regulations in foundations and practices of sustainability (in particular article 24)

Faculty of Higher Commercial Studies regulations (in particular articles 53 and 53bis)

Biology and Medicine Faculty Regulations(in particular article 55)

Medecine school:

  • Règlements and Directives
  • Medical School Regulations (in particular article 38)
  • Bmed Regulations (in particular article 19)
  • MMed Regulations (in particular article 19)

Biology school:

  • Regulations and guidelines
  • Biology bachelor's degree regulations (in particular articles 37 to 41)
  • Regulations for the bachelor's degree in pharmacy (in particular articles 25 to 29)
  • Regulations for the master's degree in behaviour, evolution and conservation (in particular articles 28 to 32)
  • Rules governing the master's degree in medical biology (in particular articles 28 to 32)
  • Rules governing the master's degree in molecular life sciences (in particular articles 28 and 32)

Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences and Public Administration Regulations (in particular articles 50 and 51)

Law School :

School of Criminal Sciences :


Time limit for appeals

The appeal period begins to run on the day following notification (article 19 al. 1 LPA-VD).

As regards the notification of results, the Faculties make available to their students, on their MyUnil server (or on its own server for HEC), the minutes of the examination results after each session. This is the official notification. Students are deemed to have been informed of their results within 3 days of the date of official notification. The 30-day appeal period therefore takes effect from the 4th day.

Decisions to grant a final discharge at the end of a course of study are notified by the Faculty in writing and by registered post. The 30-day appeal period begins on the day following their notification (articles 1 and 2 of Directorate Directive 3.3 on the Notification of Results).

Other decisions made by a Faculty body or by the UNIL Management (e.g. decision on exmatriculation) are notified in due form. The 10-day appeal period begins on the day following notification.

The decision is final.

The appeal period is observed when the decision is delivered to the authority, a Swiss post office or a Swiss diplomatic or consular representation, no later than the last day of the period (article 20 al. 1 LPA-VD).

For reasons of proof of compliance with the appeal deadline, students are advised to send their appeal by registered post to the authority.

Form and content

The appeal must be signed and state the grounds of appeal. The contested decision is attached to the appeal (article 79 al. 1 LPA-VD). The procedure is conducted in French (article 26 LPA-VD).

Grounds for appeal

The appeal must state the reasons on which it is based, otherwise it has no chance of success.

In this regard, the student is invited to refer to the optional provisions applicable to him and to article 76 LPA-VD.

Student living abroad

The appellant domiciled abroad must declare his domicile in Switzerland where notifications may be addressed to him (article 17 LPA-VD).

Provisional measures

Decisions taken by the Faculties and the Management of UNIL are immediately final. The lodging of an appeal against a university decision does not have suspensive effect.

If an appeal is lodged, the decision is final.

If, following a definitive failure in a course, the student nevertheless wishes to continue his/her university course during the appeal period, he/she is advised to ask the competent authority for provisional measures consisting of being able to continue his/her course (course, examination, etc) in addition to lodging his/her appeal. This authority will consider whether or not to grant these provisional measures.

Costs of proceedings

In administrative proceedings, the appellant is in principle required to provide an advance on costs to the authority (article 47 LPA-VD). The appellant may be exempted from the advance on costs provided that he applies for it (article 18 LPA-VD) and provides proof of his indigent financial situation.

Proceeding costs are reimbursed to the student if he or she wins the case.