This call for projects is being launched by Interface and the CIRM (Interdisciplinary Mountain Research Centre), in partnership with the Service des forêts, de la nature et du paysage for the Canton of Valais, and the Direction des ressources et du patrimoine naturels for the Canton of Vaud.
Its theme is ‘Adapting to global change and living well in the mountains’. The projects will propose ideas and practical approaches on how the various cantonal departments (nature and landscape, water, economy, culture, tourism, agriculture, etc.) can actively advance the issues of adaptation to global change by benefiting from the knowledge generated by scientific research.
Proxima is an ongoing call for projects (Rolling Call) aimed at researchers, UNIL departments and external partners.This instrument is designed to support and encourage spontaneous initiatives by researchers and their partners, as well as their interests and established collaborations. It provides an easy point of contact and enables us to respond regularly to the demands of civil society by setting up a matchmaking scheme with UNIL researchers, and vice versa.
Applicants may submit projects throughout the year, with no fixed deadline. Projects can last between 6 and 24 months. A selection committee meets every 6 weeks to evaluate the applications.The selection committees are made up of two strategic experts (members of Interface's management committee) and three scientific experts from UNIL's faculties.
The selection committees are made up of two strategic experts (members of Interface's management committee) and three scientific experts from UNIL's faculties.
The maximum budget allocated per project is CHF 50,000, UNIL share. Co-funding by external partners is encouraged.
The UNIL share of the project budget is CHF 5039,000.
There are no time limits, projects can be submitted at any time.
Projects can only be submitted online by clicking on the dedicated platform.
Only projects submitted on this platform will be validated. Only one submission per project is required, jointly for researchers and external partners. You will need to complete the following sections of the online form: research team, information on the project, scientific framework, project funding, exploitation and exploitation of results, legal framework, commitments of the parties.
If necessary, you can find further information below:
You will need to complete the following sections of the online form: research team, information on the project, scientific framework, project funding, exploitation and exploitation of results, legal framework, commitments of the parties.
Interface is launching a call for Volteface projects on the theme of health and sustainability.
This call was developed at UNIL by the Sustainability-Health Platform of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine and the Center of Competence in Sustainability, and supported by Interface.