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Financial and administrative assistance

A variety of forms of assistance are available to members of the student body who are experiencing difficulties: monthly grants to compensate for a regular shortfall in the student's income, one-off financial assistance to pay for expenses related to a particular situation, partial exemption from course fees.

The University of Lausanne has a social fund for members of the student body who are experiencing temporary or long-term financial difficulties. This aid takes several forms, including : monthly grants to compensate for a student's regular shortfall in earnings, one-off financial assistance to cover costs linked to a particular situation, one-off financial assistance to cover medical expenses, partial exemption from course fees.

See the grants, subsidies and loans available

Discounts and grants

UNIL offers practical assistance to help you reduce your expenditure and make savings. One-off financial aid, loans, tax exemptions, subsidised meals, a range of offers to help you balance your finances.

Bookshop discount

As a UNIL student, you have access to a range of special offers in general and specialist bookshops. All you need to do is present your student card.

  • Basta 
    At Dorigny, Basta has chosen to showcase a wide selection of works of social criticism published by small, independent and committed publishers, ranging from political ecology to feminism, from history and critical sociology to criticism of the political economy.
  • Payot 
    Their 14 general bookshops offer the widest choice of books in French-speaking Switzerland. For digital reading on the move, Payot offers a wide catalogue of e-books. You can also reserve your books online and have them delivered or collect them from the bookshop.
  • Schulthess 
    Schulthess is a specialist bookshop for business and law. The Schulthess online catalogue contains over 9,000 legal titles, 11 million general literature titles and 400,000 e-books. As a bonus, in addition to the 10% discount, cardholders are informed of the most important legal publications.